
Are Americans moving or planning to move to another country due to the depress/bad economy?

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Are Americans moving or planning to move to another country due to the depress/bad economy?




  1. Over 500,000 American citizens per year are leaving the US due to the invasion of the leeches, Dimocrats taxaholism, etc.  And it is predominently the wealthier and better educated who leave for countries where the American Dream lives -- low-tax, high-personal privacy, high-freedom countries.

    And I'm itching to join them.  Having lived overseas for many years, I often regret returning to the US.

  2. I wish we could thin the heard and get all the underachievers out.

  3. Don't think so. They are so proud of this being the best country in the world that they cannot humiliate themselves by going somewhere else

  4. Yes, I'm afraid so.  It has been human nature since prehistory for people to migrate when the resources are no longer available to support themselves.

    I hear it on campus quite frequently that some people are literally choosing their degrees based on if it's needed in other countries so they can immigrate if necessary.

    We are a nation of immigrants, afterall, I don't see a problem with it.

  5. The economy is not that bad. There is no where to go.  Gas is 8 dollars a gallon in parts of Europe.  Besides, Americans just have to sit around and wait for the govt to rescue them. They can currently draw unemployment for six months and some want that extended.  What a sweet deal!

  6. I know of two people who left, one to Switzerland and one to Australia years ago when they first got an inkling of the illegal invasion, Republican greed,Democrat's foolishness, increasing debt, continued military spending, schools becoming ever more violent and under staffed, etc. a general lack of health care--from what I've heard they have no regrets, sad to say.

  7. I was making $50k a year in the SF Bay Area, which is a little less then average.

    I was laid off and went looking for another job and the best entry level I could find paid me $35K a year.

    I then sold everything I owned, moved overseas were I now teach.

    I had the added bonus of not being in debt.  Had made the very wise decision to live within my means, ripped up my credit cards, made sure I have a pissssss poor credit rating to protect me from identity theft and have lived debt free for the last two decades.

    I am now making $5k a year, tax free.  Plus I save about half of that.

    I am living better then I did in the states.

    Unless things change significantly, I don't plan on coming back, except to visit.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  8. Nothing to do with the economy. People..myself included are thinking about leaving because the USA is being invaded by Mexico and the military will not defend us(bunch of dishonorable sods). Liberals are trying to turn America into some Orwellian feminist nightmare.

            And Conservatives think the constitution is "just a piece of paper".

            Sad fact is there is no where else to go. So it will reach a boiling point when people realize that, and open civil war is an expected eventuality.

  9. I'm not.  I'll stay here and work hard and vote well to improve the things that I think have gotten out of control.  I'd rather help solve the problems than run from them.

    Besides, this is becoming a global problem... its not just the US that is feeling the crunch.  All global markets are unstable...  much of which has fed off of the weak US dollar and insane increases in commodity futures.  Most countries are seeing problems.

  10. Not really, but a lot of people are going to other states.

  11. Only dim- witted liberals would do something that stupid as to leave the United States of America. Yeh Jim it sounds like your living like a king on that 5k.

  12. That's a good question

    I really don't think too many of them are leaving. If anything they will probably move to Canada because right now the Canadian economy is strong.

    Or Dubai is another place I here a lot of in conversation.

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