
Are Americans proud enough to ever overthrow a government.?

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Within the last 2 years my city has added cameras to every intersection and nearly every stretch of highway with causing a stir. Only a few cameras where noticed at first the stop light and that seemed to draw attention away from the police towers in parking lots and cameras down the highways. The police state is here and will be fully installed in only another year or two.

Our federal government mocks us because it knows they have the guns and they dont care. Making horribly edited videos of planes flying into buildings that even a novice editor like myself could tell you are complete fakes. Our legaslative branche and executive branch have struck a deal in which they have taken the powers of the Supreme court and with guns taken our wages and reported it missing. Where did it go?

When people realize our government officials, the President, the IRS, the police etc are terrorist will they just roll over or or actually stand up take back their freedoms and maybe revolt?




  1. Tinfoil hat lessons,now at Wacko university

  2. anyone can say that but no one will not do it.

  3. You extreme leftists are quick to throw the blame on Pres. Bush. For one thing, the government has nothing to do with the way a state handles its affairs economicaly or socially. Those revenue makers (cameras) are mostly in states where the legislature is controlled by the Democrats.

    With your comment about fake videos of planes flying into buildings, I'm sure you are talking about 911, I wish you would go and live in Iraq. Maybe thier you can find what your looking for.

  4. The police state is here but we are never going to change this government not even by overthrowing it. What need to happen is that people need to get educated as far as their rights and make the Government accountable for it's actions.  Their in lies the conundrum no one can make this government do the next right thing let alone to act like it gives a sh*t about its people.  Untill they have the capacitu to colonies mars and we get away from this religious and morally defunct and corrupt Governement this is all we have to work with. Unless we have some crack pot going about and nuking every major city a till we have to start over with sicks and stones. But if you plan that please let me know so that I have time to build a bunker big enough to hold all my animals and and plenty of canned goods to live about 40 years K.

  5. you know i have been saying this for the longest time everything was fine until people from far off countries came to the united states and killed many people in the name of what Holy was? if u ask me people are being deceived God never intended for anyone to kill anyone else just because that is a lie,that only a evil person or people would believe or people who have been brain washed to believe something like that Jesus is the way the truth and the life I pray you find him he is the only way.

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