
Are Americans proud of being wasteful?

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we drive oversized cars, for oversized people, shopping malls are torn down for larger shopping malls,........there's no denying our desire to consume more than our share. yes we as a nation can afford it- does that make it right?




  1. You simply don't make sense.

    First off, we are free people that can actually choose how we want to live and the products we want to use and how much of each product we want based on what we can afford.

    Who are you to say we drive too large of vehicle?  Who are you to say shopping malls are too large?  In this great nation we are free to make the choices we want.  The government, and certainly not you, should be making any determination on what IS and what ISN'T appropriate.  

    There is no such thing as us consuming more than "our share".  Whatever that is suppose to mean.  If it wasn't for our industry, businesses and individuals inventing new products, building factories, and expanding then the world would be much worse off.  Our nation produces some of the best products in the world.  We produce state of the art technologies that make people's lives better and allow us to live longer.  We produce new medicines.  We educate the best doctors and engineers.  The list goes on and on.  Our "consuming" (I assume your refering to energy and natural resources) makes great things possible.

    We have more than enough energy sources available to us.  We have hundreds of years of known oil reserves with new reserves constantly being found.  We also have many scientists believing that oil is constantly being replenished because older oil reserves that were thought to be dry are now producing oil again.  We have as much coal as oil available to us.  We have nuclear power available to us.  Above all this we are constantly coming up with new energy sources and refining those sources we already have because we continue to expand our economy and "consume" energy.

    I think you have listened to too much propaganda about our energy woes and the myth of man-made global warming.

    The energy problems we do have are government induced and have NOTHING to do with lack of resources.

    I hope you study up a little more on this topic and on the age old topic of human freedom.

    God Bless America

  2. History has again shown us that Might makes Right. When it all comes down, the 260 billionaires who live here will take a number of economic slaves and start over.

  3. Who gets to decide what our fair share is.  We produce 25% of the world goods and use 25% of the energy whats unfair about that.  I have no idea on how much food we produce but since we export food to almost ever other country we probably produce more food than our share as well.

  4. No,It doesn't make it right !!!

    We are spoiled rotten and we are very wasteful.

    Travel to a third world country.

    We have it so great here !!! The sewer system's and the garbage systems .I saw people living in black-tarp tents and mud and sick houses.

    I kissed the ground when I come back home from a thirty day trip abroad.

    We are SO very rich and spoiled !!!!! and wasteful !!!

  5. Americans think there is limitless growth, limitless credit, limitless trees, limitless oil,

    we are too dependent now, on China for cheap goods, on Mid East for oil, and worst of all we are now more than ever dependent on our own Government to make sure we don't destroy ourselves,

    US is becoming a big shopping mall...

    on the way to work notice the long lines in front of McDonald's

    people of all class, expensive cars, men in suits, homeless guy, all are in line at McDonald's, :)

    also, next time when you go shopping, notice how people are just look for things to buy, they are creating needs, instead of meeting their needs, we want things we don't need,

    TV works fine, car drives good, but there is this need to buy, and if they can't afford it, they use credit,

    what happened to saving?

    save and buy a TV, save and buy a computer, save like we used to do,

    the government, banks, corporations have strong hold on the peoples minds, pockets, needs, tastes, likes, dislikes,

    they are spending your money to keep you from harming yourself by mass prisoning,


    I recommend The Century of the Self.  A documentary by Adam Curtis.

    "This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy." - Adam Curtis

    "Along these general themes, The Century of the Self asks deeper questions about the roots and methods of modern consumerism, representative democracy and its implications. It also questions the modern way we see ourselves, the attitude to fashion and superficiality."

    Trailer from The Century of the Self:


    I also recommend The Trap by Adam Curtis


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