
Are Americans racists against Islamic people?

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Is it possible that they are not all radicals??




  1. no not at is the Islamic extremists that we do not like.......

  2. Racists, no. But this is by and large a Christian country, and Christians do not like it when told they should not say Merry Christmas", or put a nativity scene in their yards, or allow their children to hand out candy canes to friends in their schools.  

    We do not object when a person, on his knees,  faces a certain direction several times a day to pray.  So  stay out of our religious traditions that we cherish.... or get the hey out of this country.

  3. Of course, not all of them are radicals.  But at the same time Muslims in the US need to understand because of what some people are doing in the name of their religion, they are more scrutinized.  It would be the same if Mormans or Christians bombed or killed people.

  4. No they definately are not all radicals but not all Americans are racists either.

  5. N O, It is possible that some Islamic people are

    not radicals, but they should speak up now against the radicals who are destroying Islam!!!

  6. I imagine there is actually a LOT of racism against Islamic people in the USA.  And I also think there is a LOT of support for radical Islam in moderate Muslims.  So, there you go.

    And, 40 years ago, nothing like this was happening?

    Hijackings in Italy and Switzerland, car bombs and murders in Israel and Germany.  Don't forget Robery Kennedy's assasination in 1968 by a Palestinian for Kennedy's views on Israel.

    Radical Islam has been at it for a long time....

  7. I don't believe that's true, but the reverse is very possible.

  8. most Americans understand that most muslims dont want to kill all white people

  9. prejudiced against ?...more than likely...racist against ?...i believe Islamics come in all colors, don't they ?

  10. Racists are against all races.  To suggest they are singling out one race is discrimination.  Is that what you are doing...discriminating against the racists.  You can't do that in this country....

  11. Answer:Islam is a religious tenant, not a "race".

    Both the sentence structure and concept you put forth are weak to the first, and uninformed as to the later.

    It seems to me that, without understanding a words correct defination, you attempt to use it as a weapon instead of reasonable discourse. It is probable that they are "not all radicals??" as you say...

    Can the same be said about the attitude that you have just expressed.

  12. no Americans generally arent.  If the media would stop spinning everyone in the ME as suicide bombers that would help.  Its amazing to me that 40 yrs ago nothing like this was occuring but everyone was ready to lynch commies.

  13. I think most Muslims are probably good people. What bothers me the most is that they say nothing about the terrorist Muslims that want to kill everyone that doesn't accept Islam as the religion.

  14. Are all Protestants radicals? Are all Catholics radicals? The answer is no. Are all Islamic people radicals? Again No. Are all American Racists radicals, I think the answer to this is Yes. The live to hate, the hate, Islamic people, Catholic People, Jewish People, Black People, Brown People, Yellow People and anyone else that do not agree with them. Hate by any group causes Radicalism.

  15. I dont know n cant speak for othas but I dont hate ppl bc of their race. I dislike ppl on an individual bases. not all ppl of certain races are bad. its the individual person who is bad.

  16. All Muslims believe in the teachings of the Quran. The Quran says it's ok to kill people who are not Muslim.  That doesn't sound very peaceful to me.

  17. We are presented with a distubing image and a bothersome fact

    the disturbing image is that of Islamic people burning the american flag and chanting "Death to the USA".

    Most of us know that these picures only represent a small portion if Islamic people, but these are the most vocal, which brings us to the botehrsome fact.

    They are not condemned by those who are in power. Thus, a tacit approval of what is being done gets conveyed

  18. One can not be racist or feel racial superiority over a religion.  Islam is a religion, Arabs are a race.  I can point out that the Islamic religion is a false religion and I am making no bigoted or racial comment whatsoever.

  19. No it is the other way around. When is the last time you saw Americans line up in the streets and shout 'death to Iran'?

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