
Are Americans ready for Sara Palin as President?

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Considering Mr McCain isn't getting any younger and the fact that he , if appointed president will become world assassination target number 1.

If it happens Is the US ready for Mrs Palin running the country?




  1. I can't speak for all Americans, but I wouldn't mind it.  I do hope she has at least four years of VP experience before she takes over, but I think we could do worse than have a strong woman in the White House.

  2. Im more ready for her than Obama that is for sure.

    Besides Biden is an old man with a brain problem, that is worst to think OBama could be left alone.

    McCain is Healthy, Biden is not.

  3. Why not?  Obama has no executive experience, has served less than a full term in the Senate, yet he thinks he's somehow magically qualified to be President.

  4. No, i dont trust her abilities..she does not have much knowledge of being in the office.  

  5. No. Palin is not the most qualified repub to be president. If McCain wanted to take away the history of an Obama presidency he shouldve picked a black woman, or a more qualified white woman out of his party. I would like to know how all of those qualified repub women feels about being looked over for this clown named palin. McCain had a 15 min interview with woman, and then he chose her. How in the world can you people criticize Obama for every little thing, experience being their main topic, then he goes and picks a less exorienced governor from a state with the population of L.A? So its clearly a race thing going against Obama. Because if the right can pick someone like a palin, and claim she better than Obama then something is wrong.  

  6. I'm not even ready for McCain as president.  

  7. Sure. You're not going to scare me away from voting for McCain. As much as I hate Palin and her religious zealousness, I hate high taxes even more.

  8. More than I'm ready for a socialist President.

    You seem to forget that Obama doesn't have the luxury of "if Biden leaves office."

    Michelle Obama said that you guys weren't going to use fear in your campaign.  If they can't unit their followers, how can they possible unite the rest of the country?

  9. Ready!

    McCain/Pailin 08!

  10. No way.  At least Dan Quayle believed in traditional American values.  USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!!

  11. More ready than having that Idiot Biden as President, if someone takes out Obama ! and he is an even bigger target

  12. She might be a lot better than McCain, Obama or Biden.

    Young poeple are often quicker thinkers and more likely to listen to the advice of others.

    However, I;ll vote for Bob Barr since both democrats and republicans are not willing to stop deficit spending.  Democrats=welfare spending.

    Republicans = warfare spending.

  13. Over NObama ANYDAY

  14. no. i don't like her at all. OBAMA 08.

  15. I think we are !!

  16. McCain is in good health. Obama is the one that won't release his medical records and Biden is the one who had broken arteries in his brain.

    The leader of China is around the same age as McCain and the leader of Italy is the same age as McCain.

  17. yes i mean is america ready for biden to be CIC i mean this is supposed to be the agent of change who spent 35 years in washington and is a washington insider. lol palins more change than biden would ever and could ever be. i mean with biden there'll be a whole host of racially insensitive remarks if he visited africa he'd probably exclaim abt how shocked he was to see so many "clean" people

  18. no she is a moron with no experience, and no judgement there are a thousand politicians more qualified

  19. Sarah Palin isn't running for president and McCain has about as much chance of being assassinated as the man in the moon

  20. Other than her stance on Iraq, I see no reason not to have some confidence in her.

    She is pro-firearm ownership

    She is not at all afraid to take on the neo-con / good old boys

    She ain't bad lookin either!

  21. No way, No how.  More of Bush policies I think not.

  22. McCain's health is fine. He will probably outlive you.

    Nobody has taken a shot at an American president since 1981, and the attempt was unsuccessful. The Secret Service is far better at preventing assassination attempts now than ever before.

    Mrs Palin has proven herself to be an excellent politician in every respect, and shows great promise to be an excellent Vice President. I'm very ready for her to take over if necessary, but sincerely doubt that will be an issue.

  23. Stop it.  That's no laughing matter.  Palin becoming POTUS is a scary thought.

  24. Now the left wants to discriminate based on age and s*x----wow---what a total surprise.(sarcasm)

  25. As ready as I was for GWB.  Reps are always ready for incompetence

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