
Are Americans stupid? Here's an answer I got to a question - not my words but his. You may agree with him, but

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don't disagree just because you have a thin skin and can't take criticism. Here's what he said -

Oh yes - well said. All over the world the US is known as some very strange religious country. We go off on "crusades" without much thought.

Too bad that actual logic doesn't rule the day, but mostly hysteria and Jesus make the decisions in this country. And a LOT of these decisions are real bad - like the two unwinnable wars we have going - for nothing.

We have gained nothing from these wars. We've killed a million people - and we've gained nothing - not even the revenge we wanted. Osama bin Lauden is still out there - we've spent untold billions of dollars borrowed from the Chinese. All for nothing.

One wonders how America gets this stupid.




  1. I'm American, and I wonder about that every single day.

    We used to be so great! And look at us now...

    All I can say is, that america had some bad points, but with such great presidents, it was hidden under the carpet. Now Bush is cleaning the carpet in front of the Parents, and they can see all the weed and alcohol.

    And they are not happy.

  2. "Stupid is as Stupid does" Americans have embraced the wrong ideologies of free markets and globalization and It did shoot itself in the foot.  It's not that America is declining, It's that we are no longer relevant. We don't make anything, the richest man is Mexican, the tallest buildings are in Asia and Russia has control over vast oil reserves.  Our support for Israel's Zionist dreams of world dominance is a moral, political and economic bust for America.  Our currency is irrelevant because most real countries are trading real resources for real resources and they don't want our phony playbills.

  3. I'm Canadian, and looking from the outside in, I still don't know what else they could have done...

    Just because George W. says he's a Christian doesn't make "Jesus" responsible for his political career either. Non-religious people also do dumb things.

    If someone shot your daughter, you'd probably go after the guy who did it and everyone else you perceived as his ilk too. That's what I see happening in America. Bin Laden murdered Americans so Uncle Sam tried to avenge. At least that's what I see as the main picture. Lately everything's gotten obscured by the numbers and the details.

    Maybe war wasn't the best way to go, but has anyone really explored the alternatives? Sitting down and doing nothing was one of the alternatives. Peace talks would have been another route - but I don't know that anyone would have been satisfied with that after thousands of people were murdered.

    Frankly, Jesus didn't start that war. It was one man's perceptions of Allah and his wrath that got that one going, so why are people pointing fingers at Christians? For fighting back? Again, maybe that wasn't the way to go ... but what was?

  4. America is a free country and I can be as stupid as I want.

  5. One U.S. citizen's opinion is not the same as all U.S. citizens' opinions.

    The part about the useless wars may be viewed by a number of Americans as correct, but that does not mean all of them believe it.

    You should stop generalizing that the whole population agrees with this one person's views.

    Every country has "stupid" people. That doesn't mean the entire population of any given country is stupid.

  6. It's not very clear which words are yours and which are his.  It seems like you've mixed them together.  I can kinda guess, but it would be a lot easier if you used quotation marks.

    what was the original question which this guy responded to?

    Kinda stupid the way you wrote this.

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