
Are Ann Coulter's 15 min of fame about over? Time for her to do that Playboy shoot while she still has fans?

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Are Ann Coulter's 15 min of fame about over? Time for her to do that Playboy shoot while she still has fans?




  1. 15 minutes?  She is a brand.  Like Al Franken or Rush Limbaugh.  I guess Oprah is the biggest draw in the TV opinion business and she is the least opinionated of anyone in the industry.  The best road to success is to have gimmick.  Eg.  Ms. Coulter is an attractive female.  Plus be as irreverent toward the other political orientation as possible.  If starting out in the business, I would advise going with the conservative talk radio due to the demographics, i.e, working conservative leaning people.  TV is probably a better venue for Oprah's  demographic.

  2. She is done

    She trashed the gODS that put her face in the media

    She is done!!  KAAAPLEEEZZZ !!!!

    She trashed Jews on National TV  and on a Jew Show too!!

    GUTSY  & Stupid

  3. I hope so. Her patent bigotry makes me sick. Referring, as she always does, to Sen. Barrack Obama as "B. Hussein Obama"--perversely associating him, by the sound of his name alone, with Suddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden's names--is despicable. Like Obama or not, as the Democratic presidential candidate he deserves better. She should show at least some respect, even while vigorously disagreeing with him. Ad hominem attacks, as good debaters and philosophers know, are simply cheap tricks to hide that fact that you have nothing substantive to argue.

    Like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter has lowered the already low level of political debate in this country. Once upon a time conservatives (Bill Buckley comes to mind) were paragons of virtue--in a word, people who "conserved" the standards of decency in this country. Not any longer. Many of our conservative pundits (and, I admit, some of the liberal ones too) are loud-mouthed louts. That fact that Coulter clearly sells her Barbie-doll "s*x appeal" goes to the heart of her conservative duplicity--while raging against sexual and moral depravity as the fault of liberals, she nevertheless finds selling s*x useful to meet her own purposes. I guess that's what's known as free enterprise in a capitalist economy. An appearance in Playboy would only seal the accurancy of my assertion.

  4. She's an old dried up maid.I really don't want to see her naked..Over 30 year old women should never be nude or at the beach.

  5. Yes . i agree with you . she should .we are all waiting for that shoot .

  6. Ann Coulter the female version of Rush Limbaugh without the lard.

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