
Are Argentinian marriages valid in the us?

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Does anything have to be done to validate them?




  1. Of course they are.  Nothing needs to be done.

    If you are a US citizen married to an Argentinian, there are things you must do for your spouse to come to USA...but your marriage is very valid.

  2. Of course they are valid in the US, and to validate a marriage anywhere, it has to be performed by somebody authorized to marry you.  Then to really validate it, you have to consumate the marriage,(s***w your husband).

  3. Yes.  The US recognizes all legal overseas marriages.  Nothing needs to be done to validate it per se.  

    But if you want a document which PROVES the validity of the marriage, get an apostiled copy and a certified translation and go to the US embassy to have it recorded as maman/mamour suggest.

  4. GCB is right; any marriage that is considered valid where it was performed is considered valid in the US.  Nothing has to be done to 'validate' the marriage so that it will be recognized.

    Here is an official reference from the Foreign Affairs Manual, 7 FAM Exhibit 1454

    b. Validity of Marriages Abroad

    In general, marriages which are legally performed and valid abroad are also legally valid in the United States. Inquiries regarding the validity of a marriage abroad should be directed to the attorney general of the state in the United States where the parties to the marriage live.

  5. no, there are not, you have to have it validated, and translated/ transcribed to the US consulate in Argentina at the embassy consulars services,

    or if you are back within the US, you must contact the Argentina consulate,

    since the papers are in Spanish,

    here are consular services in the US:

    the marriage has to be transcribed first,for it to be valid,

    if it was performed in the US, yes it would be valid;

    but it was in Argentina;so NO, it is not valid;

    all the papers are in Spanish? so? it has to be translated,

    Getting Married in Argentina


    1)      Application forms for permission to marry must be picked up at the district civil registry office not less than 30 days prior to the date the marriage is to take place.  Normally the district of residence of the bride or groom will determine which district civil registry office will be used.

    2)      Medical examination forms are picked up at the same time at the same office.  A doctor will be specified.  There is a fee for the marriage book.  The interested parties will pick up the results of the examination.

    3)      Either party may request the civil registry office in the area of residence to perform the marriage.

    4)      Proof of previous marriages must show legal termination either by death or divorce.  Death certificates or divorce decrees issued in the United States must be authenticated by apostille from the office of the Secretary of State in the state where the divorce decree was issued.  This apostille process is accepted by the government of Argentina under the Hague Convention.

    5)      Applicants stand in line on the appointed date at the Civil Registry Office on the first come-first served basis.  The ceremony will last only a few minutes.  Two witnesses must be in attendance at the ceremony.

    6)      Minors: Brides: from 16 to 20 years old, and grooms: from 18 to 20 years old. Birth certificate and parents’ Ids, plus a parental authorization must be presented. (death certificate is needed if one of the parents is deceased). If the parents do not issue their consent, a judicial authorization will be needed. If one of the parents is absent, the one who is present must submit an ID and an authorization from the absent parent, authenticated by the nearest Argentine Consulate and subsequently authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Buenos Aires.

    Please visit the following web site for further information:

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