
Are Asian baby girl’s more expensive to adopt?

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I heard this was true, if it is, why?




  1. because countries like china like to make money on the  process and because you have to travel and stay weeks and weeks in the country waiting for all the paperwork to come through.

  2. I wouldn't think so, the Asian people want boys so they can work at different jobs.

  3. my guess would be if it is true is because there are a few cases in the twisted world we live in where people will adopt little girls and then use them for terrible terrible things :(

  4. Because their 'en vogue' at the moment and adopters consider them to be of  higher intelligence

  5. it shouldn't be.  But depending on what country you choose to adopt through, your wait time to adopt a girl could be significantly longer.  Example:  In China, girls are more readily available for adoption than boys; but in Korea, it is much easier to adopt a boy.  Especially the first child.

  6. Each country has different fees for processing adoption applications.  While the costs between countries vary, the cost of adopting a boy or a girl in a particular country is the same.  On average the cost of adopting from asian countries is no more or less than other parts of the world but the fees vary alot between countries.  For example: Taiwan's fees are very high, Hong Kong's fees are very low and China's fees are somewhere in the middle.

  7. International adoption typically costs more than domestic adoption because of travel expenses, different country requirements, etc.

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