
Are Australian sprinters the best in the world on turf?

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I ask this as I have noticed a lot of American racing questions being asked and I thought the only thing they would known about Aussie horses are sprinters, who by the way are the best in the world. And anyone who wants a tip follow Apache Cat!




  1. as a mad keen Aussie punter... not only do we have some of the best sprinters in the world, we produce other world class sprinters racing in Hong kong and Singapore. im a huge fan of the TARGET, and cant wait til he gets to England (via Singapore) unfortunately most americans prob wouldnt be able to name an Aussie horse thats currently racing as they seem to be very one eyed.

    the TJ SMITH on the weekend was a great race, unfortunatly i didnt get the chockies, but takeover target was fresh of a spell and on a heavy track, so i look forward to seeing him 2nd, 3rd 4th up.... however kudos to the cat!!

    whats your take on weekend hussler? so far i think he's a freak but i am sceptical as to weather he can run a strong 2000+ meters

  2. bring over your best horses for the breeders' cup event..

    would love to see a australian champion run...

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