
Are Austrian women more open minded than German women?

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Generally speaking here! I also heard that Austrian women in general are more introverted than German women. Is this true? Please answer BOTH questions!




  1. Another sweeping generalisation question....

    There are introverts & extoverts in both Germany & Austria.  I have worked with people from both nationalities and can confirm this first hand.  Nationality does not play as much of a part in personality and open-mindeness as the nature/nuture part of a person

    So get to know a woman because of who she is, and not because of what passport she holds

  2. Yes they are

  3. Yes they are. Of course this doesn't apply to each and everyone of them, but that is the general thought between the two groups!

  4. i live in Germany. i have also lived in UK. I think german women are open minded then Uk girls. But you have to communicate with them. If you have a good command of german language then you will get good treatment from german women.

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