
Are Average Americans Turned On By Turbins & Anti-American Democrat Rhetoric ???

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  1. Not me! I shot at plenty of the 1st in the 1st war over there & I could care less for the middle east. As far as democrats go , let's see how they would fair in a life or death situation instead of crying from their soap boxes.It is anti-american any way you look at it. The liberals want it both ways with out having to lift a finger to get it. We can't have peace by sitting on our asses.A lot of thanks we soldiers get from the liberal masses who we protect also.

  2. NO average Americans are not liberals.

  3. I think the average American is turned off the rhetoric of 'who is more patriotic'.

  4. I am superior and fair,

    But is am heavy turned of by turbines, and where I live in Queens

    NY there are plenty

  5. Its 'Turbans', not 'Turbins'. Get a education before posting questions such as these up.

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