
Are BT acting FRAUDULENTLY by posting spam adverts to products which are no longer available?(Boots ad)?

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Spam advert place on SUSCRIBERS home page for Boots Digital Photo Frame which is currently unavailable!!!!!!!!!

BT are getting money for this service everytime you click on the link. That's ON TOP of the ridiculous amount they are already charging YOU for subscribing to their broadband service!!!!!!!!!




  1. everybody is putting spam adverts out except fray bentos and they actually sell more tins of the stuff than anybody else, most companys are calling theres luncheon meat now

  2. It's not a spam advert if it's part of actual content, it's just an advert.

    Spam is unsolicited email or pop-ups separate from the main page.

    A banner or a box in a homepage of a service is not spam.

    It would only be fraudulent if it was avaialble but for a higher price.  The advert probably has "while stocks last" or "terms and conditions apply" buried somewhere in the small print.

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