
Are Bakery Shops in Singapore Hygienic ?

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The bakery shops sell their buns by putting dozens on a tray and let customers pick the quantities they want. The buns on the trays are not covered (with plastic) but exposed to the air. Do you feel this is hygienic?When customers cough or talk during picking up the buns, will air-borne germs not land on the buns ? If SARS outbreak, is this not a vulnerable area for spreading?




  1. Not only buns in bakeries are unhygienic, everything sold outside be in restaurants or hawker centres are unhygienic. Unless you prepare the food  yourself, it's hard to get hygienic food outside.

  2. no

  3. yes

  4. You live in Singapore right? Have you ever heard of anybody falling sick from eating those buns? Hygienic or not, we are better off that some other countries which don't even have what we are enjoying. Basic things like food, so be happy with what you have....

  5. in terms of REAL hygien, of cos e buns are not la.. food being exposed to air will invite germs.. esp flies to feast on them.. i seen a lot of these sights at some neighbouring bakeries.. but e thing is... having this little germs or bateria is NOT very harmful at all.. you should have seen some countries selling bread at e roadside... with e cars passing by and the dust that reside on the bread...

    anyway, i do feel tat certain bakery (like BreadTalk) did try their best to keep the buns clean..

  6. i think it's okay. people always say a little germs makes your body stronger..


  7. Eat a bit of germs  won't kill but strengthen your immune system. Kids nowadays gets too hygienic. So when an epidemic strike they become seriously sick. What is uncovered food compared to the air you breath in. Its that transparent element surrounding you that cause the fault. Don't put the blame on the buns.

  8. since young till now ....i believe this is the only way to present the bread to consumer .... no one had die or got a disease from eating the breads which are place on tray exposing to the air ...... i feel its alrite ....lets say that all trays are covered will not be easy .........nothing in this world is perfect ..... live with it ...

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