
Are Bill Mahar and Larry King dating or something?

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I love me some Larry King, but he had Bill Mahar as a guest on his show once a month. Not even Laura Bush got the full hour when she was on Larry King Live, but Mahar always gets the full hour to give his opinions. Mahar is a guy who says that religion is ignorance. So, why does Larry King keep inviting him back? It's like he has a crush on him or something, I don't get it.




  1. I like Bill Maher and would rather listen to his opinions than some powder puff celebrity like Paris Hilton or whoever.  As a matter of fact Bill Maher is scheduled to be on King's show tonight and I plan on seeing it.  

    Maybe Mrs Bush couldn't devote a whole hour worth of interview to Larry King due to being busy.    

  2. Bill Maher likes to hear himself talk.  I don't watch King when Maher is on.  He's so full of it.

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