
Are Binge drinking and an alcoholic pretty much the same thing?

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well more or less i mean




  1. No. You can abuse alcohol without being an addict.

    Binge Drinking tends to be an occasional thing. Most people outgrow it in their 20's.

    I was a heavy drinker for more than 25 years. When I woke up on the cardiac ward one fall morning, I decided to quit. It doesn't bother me to not drink, unless I'm on a course of anti-biotics, (when you can't have it....)  I have a drink or two once a month when I remember to, just to remind myself that the reason I don't drink is that I no longer want to.

    It's different for Alcoholics. They HAVE to drink. They have to drink every day and they feel sick if they aren't buzzed.  I stopped drinking and it was easy. An Alcoholic has to fight every day to stay sober. It only takes one drink to start their addiction again. And the craving never goes away.  Being a smoker, I envy Recovering Alcoholics the Will it takes to keep them clean and sober. But I don't envy their addiction.

  2. no...not even more or less....

    if u have to live with an would know the difference.

  3. An alcohlic is this

    One is too many and a Hundred not enough !!!!

  4. If you're a habitual binge drinker, the chances are you are already an alcoholic. The majority of binge drinking alcohololics however, don't know they are.

  5. No. Alcoholics drink to excess regularly.... Well, they drink regularly. Sometimes it gets in the way of normal life. Binge drinkers drink excessively once in a while.

  6. No.

    Binge drinkers drink lots until they fall over etc


    Alcoholics drink and are drunk all the time...well most of it.

  7. Binge drinkers drink loads in one session.

    Alcoholics sessions never stop.

  8. binge drinking is described as having more than 6 drinks in one session.  so, if you have nothing to drink for 3 months, then have 6 in one night, you're a binge drinker.

    being an alcoholic, is when you can't go without drinking, ie: days or hours even. you may not drink as much in a short time, but overall, you drink a lot more.

    I personally am a binge drinker. although i only drink ever now and again, i have a "big night" when i do.

  9. A true Alcoholic is a person with an illness whose body needs a constant supply of alcohol in order to function - if only partially, even though it is doing it harm all the time, whereas a binge drinker is just somebody who once he/she starts drinking, doesn't know when to stop and continues drinking just for the sake of it, either to look clever in front of others or until they fall over, or become violent or violently ill. This usually happens at the weekends when they know that the consequences of their actions will normally be less severe than if done during working days.

  10. Not even close.

    Binge drinking is achieving a goal of drunkeness.  It's just something you want to do and get over it once you are done.

    Alcoholics have a disease known as alcoholism.  They are physically addicted to it and will often have seizures if they stop drinking cold turkey.  

    It may be possible that frequent binge drinking can lead to alcoholism, but this is not the case for the vast majority of people.

  11. Binge drinking is alcohol abuse.......Fact: When you abstain from drinking for a certain period of time and then consume a large quantity of alcohol in a very small span of time, this is called binge drinking. It is a common symptom of alcohol abuse.

    It is stated  that there is a difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism...

    Alcohol abusers, or problem drinkers, are people who clearly drink too much on a regular basis. Their alcohol use is self-destructive or can present a danger to others, but they are able to set limits and establish some measure of control over their drinking.

    When alcohol abuse progresses to alcoholism, also called alcohol addiction and alcohol dependence, the drinker loses control of the amount they drink, and they cannot stop using alcohol despite the severe physical and psychological consequences of excessive drinking

    hope this helps..Binge drinking can lead to alcoholism...

  12. Some people can binge drink once and a while and they don't suffer from alcoholism, however there are binge drinkers that do suffer from alcoholism and their pattern of drinking is binging.


    binge drinking is to generally get drunk =]

    Alcoholics need it and are pernananlty pissed

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