
Are Biology and Phsychology interesting A levels to take ?

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Hey. In a few months i'll be starting sixth form. I really wan't to do biology and Phschology. The thing is, i've never done phsychology before and i was just wondering if it is any good?

Also, I was wondering if Biology is a good A level to take alongside Chemistry. And if it's worhtwhile?


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  1. I'm just finishing my 1st year of A level (AS) and I take both psychology and biology.

    Firstly it depends on the board you are doing...I do AQA A for both...and I've found both of them to be really interesting. What I did when choosing the subjects was ask the sixth form the boards they do and then look up the specification on the examining board's website to see the topics gives a good indication to you if you are interested in learning these topics.

    Biology is really good with Chemistry, as it aids when learning about biological molecules and tests, and if you want to pursue medicine. Psychology is just a 'fun' option and is really easy...just learn content and recall it in exams...c/w is pips!..biology is more about application into the real world.

    But overall its up to you and what you would prefer to learn

  2. Im not sure about phsycology, but ive just finished an A2 in Biology and it was brilliant, the courseworks pretty intense, but its good.

    And yes chemistry is a good alongside biology, there are a LOT of cross over points between the two subjects, and sometimes its good to know the chemistry behind the biology...

  3. i took psychology and it can be pretty hard with the essay writing but i like the subject its really interesting, good luck with whatever you choose!

  4. i've just completed my 1st year doing psychology biology chemistry and law. And yes, they are interesting but it does depend on what type of person you are and how well you study etc. They're worth taking though as they all kinda link in together, good luck!

  5. Biology and chemistry are both very good together. I have just done both at AS. To do well in biology you need to be interested in it. It is a hard subject and to be able to sit yourself down and do revision on it needs nature interest in the subject. It's that which separates those who do well in the subject and those who don't.

    Chemistry is easier i think. It's one of those subjects that you don't have to fully understand to pass because you can just learn the definitions and phrases while the biology paper asks you questions that require you to use your noodle.

    Psychology is different, you need to write essays on it, so you need good english skills. I'm dreadful at english so i didn't pick any subjects that required structured text.

    Good luck

  6. I took biology and psychology (and sociology) A levels and biology was my favourite.  My enjoyment of psychology was marred by a really dull teacher with the most boring monotone voice I've ever heard.  Psychology is very theory based, you spend a lot of time just learning what prominent psychological thinkers have hypothesised about human thinking.  I found this quite alien after GCSEs but it's something you have to get used to doing A levels and during most university degrees.  I wish I'd taken chemistry looking back now.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to take.

  7. I want to take these subjects too :) x

  8. chem and biology are GREAT a levels to do cos lots of university courses ask that you have done those 2 a levels.

    psychology is good too if you like the subject.  maths or physics would be better, but if u dont like them then psych is fine

  9. Only if you work out how to spell psychology lol

  10. Psychology is very interesting in my opinion. I did it at AS level only, but I found it really good.

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