
Are Black Women More Promiscuous than other Races?

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I already know I am going to take a lot heat for this one, but I am honestly just asking a real question.

It seems like they are, having mutiple children out of wedlock, usually all by different "babies' daddies". Can anyone please explain to me why this is?




  1. I say so, followed by Hispanics. They seem to be having s*x younger than any other race. Explain the high pregnancy rates and the need for WIC.

    I always see them with two kids like 4 and 6 and pregnant with another. Yea, some white people do however have kids at young ages as well, but it is usually the white trash who do so.

    EDIT: It could be due to poverty, but if you don't have money why shoot out the kids. After the first mistake, don't you learn to shut your legs..? I really don't think the lack of money is the reason for having 6 kids. Wouldn't that just make it worse for you?

    The question was Are Black Women More Promiscuous than other Races? If you look around they seem to be more sexual at a early age than most races, I don't think it is due to the way they were raised, most are raised as a  Christian. The reason he brought up the fact that they seem to have kids out of wedlock is to back up his question. Obviously they are having s*x if they are popping out kids. I do however think the word Promiscuous was the wrong term. I do also believe that it could depend on where you live.

    EDIT: I agree s*x is free and most of the time fun. Why not! But there are places who hand out free condoms. Especially if under age to help with the out break on kids.

  2. I dont think race has anything to do with promiscuity

    so in answer to ur question... no.

    each individual is different no matter the race

  3. No.  Ethnic origin has no effect on the number of sexual partners a person has.  

  4. Skin color and race have absolutely NOTHING to do with sleazy women who bang anyone and everyone.  They have no self esteem and most likely grew up in abusive (namely sexually abusive) households where they were not loved.  

    These women believe that the void in their lives can be filled by indiscriminate sexual encounters with multiple partners.  Some of these women just believe they are s*x pots that are irresistible.  Nothing can be further from the truth!  What they don't realize is that they are crack nasty *** dumpsters who are pursued just for the using.

  5. You're only basing your assumption on personal opinion. You don't know the numbers of black women that have illegitimate children vs. any other race of women, so you really have no solid facts to base this observation on. And in my opinion, no one really does for the simple fact (as debated in here already) no one really knows how close to the truth numbers being reported in such statics are. Most of the black women I knew (and now know) have children but are not with the father(s) of their kids due to the fact that she and the father have separated, they where not married but where in a committed relationship, of she later found that he had children with other women. So if you really want to get technical, we can also discuss the number of men who father children out of wedlock, with multiple women. And having children out of wedlock doesn’t necessarily mean that the woman was “Hot I the pants”. It could also mean that unforeseen circumstances occurred that landed her into the situation of being a single mom or she made a mistake (as some women and men do).

    Some of the white women I knew also ended up having one night stands, and flings with multiple men that resulted in the birth of an unexpected child.  And this was after these women had a reputation of "getting around". Most of the girls knowing for being easy and lose while enrolled in school for military training where the girls of other races. Many of the younger guys we knew where well aware of the fact that it was a slim to none chance that they would snag one of us in the sack (Meaning most of the black girls).

    Speaking in terms of promiscuity, such thing as “Girls Gone Wild” and teenage s*x tapes being posted on YouTube come to mind, where young girls of the other persuasion are showcased, front and center for all to see, parting, drinking, and engaging in sexual activity with multiple men and women. As a matter of fact (and this is just what I heard) when the founder and producer of the GGW videos was ask why weren’t any black girls (or any other girls of color) where featured in his product he explained that

    “Black girls won’t do what it takes to get in the videos; they’re there, but they don’t go as far as some of the other girls do”.

    Again, this is just what I heard; I have no proof of this. There where girls of all races, creeds and colors that had children or where sexually active prior to my advancement to the 10th grade. Example, a young white girl excused herself from my 2nd period English class, only to later be expelled when it was found that she was caught “servicing” a LINE of boys standing outside the boy’s restroom (two and three at a time!). When asked why she did it, she simply stated “I don’t know, I just felt like it”. So when you speak in terms of promiscuity, you have to evaluate the mental state of the young women participating in the acts and not the color of her skin. You have to evaluate her emotional make up, examine her living conditions and environment, asses her moral upbringing, and analyze her mental and physical health. There a number of reasons young women engage in s*x with numerous partners, but for young men there’s only one, the opportunity to do so.

  6. People of all races have premarital s*x.  The problem is black men especially are not willing to settle down. They have a child, they leave. The woman wants marriage, they refuse or they leave.  It's not the woman's promiscuity but the man's selfishness.

  7. I don't think it has anything to do with race but has quite a bit to do with culture. Within a single nationality, there can be many cultures. In the UK and the US it seems to me that the middle classes have quite a different culture to the working classes. It is a simple product of history that proportionately more blacks out of the black population are working class than are whites out of the white population. However, there are many black professionals and black people who consider themselves middle class. I'd guess that if you took a thousand black middle class mothers and compared them to a thousand white middle class mothers, you'd find that their values are the same.

    I think that you'd find a greater difference between mothers in the UK and mothers in the US than between blacks and whites in either country. The UK is much less religious than the US and marriage seems to be going out of fashion here.

  8. Ghetto culture friend.  The poor areas around the cities on the coasts tend to be of the darker persuasion.  And impoverished cultures tend to be uneducated and therefore a bit lacking in precautions when it comes to contraception.

    Im sure with a field trip to other nations and Middle America we'll find plenty of examples of other races doing this.


  9. I think a large part of that is the media.  There are quite a few other races with "babie's daddies" as well.

    But I haven't seen any statistics on this.  I think you would also have to define "promiscuous".  Is one, one night stand promiscuous?  What about 5 that happened 10 years ago? What if you knew them for a few months?  What if you ended up marrying them?

    EDIT- OhSoHollywood

    I think this is largely due to poverty, not race.


    From an educated and at least some what privileged standpoint, you would think those in poverty would, but it is not that simple.  Those in poverty (of all races) have little to entertain them as a result of this poverty, and s*x is free....until 9months later.

  10. I don't think this statement is true. I don't think behaviour is dependant on race more on culture and the enviroment people are brought up in.

  11. Okay, you've heard from the politically correct crowd. Now here are the facts.

    In the United States, single-parent families comprise...

    23% of White families

    65% of Black families

    49% of i***n families

    16% of Asian families

    37% of Mestizo (Hispanic) families

    Now, of course, there are about 5.5 times more White families than Black families in the United States, so there would be about twice as many single parent White families as single parent Black families. But what counts for racial comparisons is the PER CAPITA rate, and by this measure Blacks are 2.83 times more likely to be from single-parent families, which is an indication of higher promiscuity.

    On the average, throughout the United States, Blacks are 7.2 times more likely than Whites to be collecting welfare money and living at the expense of American taxpayers. The primary reason is that Black fathers are breed-and-run deadbeats much more often than White fathers are, and that's another indication of promiscuity.

    On the average, Black children spend 49.4% of their minority years in single-parent families. The average White child, on the other hand, spends only 12.8% in that situation. The reason there are so many Black single parent families is that Black males can't be bothered to take care of their children, and Black females are so promiscuous that the males aren't sure which of the children are theirs anyway.

    Consequently, the average Black child spends five times more of his childhood years receiving AFDC benefits and foodstamps than the average White child does.

    Black women give birth to their first child at an average age of 19.9 years; White women do so at an average age of 23.4 years. Black mothers have an average of 3.05 children; White mothers have an average of 2.6 children. Blacks are outbreeding Whites, primarily because of the grotesque transfer of wealth from Whites to Blacks by means of social welfare programs.

    Yet another indication of Black promiscuity are the per capita rates for STD infection. For AIDS, the per capita rate ratio, Black to White, for HIV infection was 18.6 for heterosexual males and 18.3 for females, in 2004. Blacks have higher infection rates for *every* sexually transmitted disease, as compared with Whites.

    And it's not poverty, either. Black STD infection rates and Black out-of-wedlock births are higher among poor Blacks than they are among equally poor Whites. The "poverty is to blame" hypothesis is often used to evade/obscure the reality of racial differences in behavior.

    When Blacks present statistics on AFDC and foodstamps received by single mothers, they commit an obvious kind of fraud. They'll present the percentage of Whites and the percentage of Blacks who get such welfare money, and TOTALLY IGNORE the fact that there are 2.6 times more Whites than Blacks below the federal poverty line. If the White percentage isn't at least 2.6 times larger than the Black percentage, then Blacks, not Whites, have the higher PER CAPITA rate of welfare dependency.

    Here's an example of what I mean.

    "Among the poorest of the poor--single mothers, living below the poverty line with minor children to support 39.7 percent of AFDC clients are Black single mothers and 38.1 percent are White women with children. Food stamp recipients are 37.2 percent Black and 46.2 percent White. Medicaid benefits are paid to 27.5 percent Black recipients compared to 48.5 percent White clients."

    The sneaky writer of that paragraph is hoping that you won't notice that, according to his own numbers, poor Black single mothers are on the AFDC rolls with a per capita rate 2.7 times higher than is the case for poor White single mothers; that Black single mothers are 2.1 times more likely than White single mothers to be getting foodstamps; and that the average Black single mother costs Medicaid 1.5 times more money than the average White single mother does. Lesson: Don't trust Blacks to present statistics fairly. The truth goes contrary to what they want you to believe, and so they'll deceive you if they can.

  12. culture and genetics. Its true that b*****d kids are more often born in Afro families (especially Afro-Carribean) where its about 60%. But thats not to say that white people dont do that either loads of white kids are born out of wedlock now as well (but still nowhere near as many).


    Get a copy of this book and look at the statistical studies comparing the average number of s*x partners for black and white women with an equal amount of education. A number of different studies found very little difference.  Black women are thought to be more promiscuous because they are hyper-sexualized in film, and music.  Most black people are concentrated in high numbers in particular areas of the U.S.

    The high number of children born out of wedlock for poor whites is less noticeable because they are spread around the country. Caucasians actually use more social security programs like wic and  welfare more than any ethnic group.

    Again it's not that whites are more promiscous.  It's just that there are more of them then any other group.  The sexuality for both ethnic groups is about the same.

  14. Why?  Because they all like "it" up them.

  15. Who are you?

    What is this?

    Are you here taking cheep race shots? what is this talk about talking heat?

    are you looking for controversy?

    these are the last questions that you have ask, i think there is somthing wrong with you, am i right?

    1. Why Do Most Women Fantasize About being Raped?

    2. Women Are you Attracted to Asian Men?

    3. White Guys, Would you Date a Woman who Had Previously Been with a Black?

    4. Are Black Women More Promiscuous than other Races?

  16. Let's put it this way:  they appreciate being pursued, and they like the attention.

  17. That is a stereotype just like every mexican family has 10 kids. it all depends on the individual!

  18. In college, I knew many of the white girls who were bringing boys back to their dorms & us black girls were always single. No offense to some of the white girls here, but the ones at my university were incredibly promiscuous, they'd come to class drunk with their makeup running, looking like they had ran a few miles w/ Jack in bed the other night.

    On the other hand, the small population of blacks (& even smaller, black women) tried to meet men but many of us were unsuccessful, why? Because we didn't PUT OUT. So as a black woman who is a 20-yr old virgin & in her 3rd year of university & saving it for marriage, I'm going to say: NO.

  19. Its more due to the fact that unfortunately more African Americans then Caucasians live in poverty. Its not the color but economic status and resources. Poor white woman have similar issues.

    After reading some of your other questions I'm going to simply state that you my dear are the lowest form of life and need a mental eval. That much pent up hate cant be good.

  20. I don't want to sound like I don't love my own people but maybe. I don't know..every time I have seen a 20 something virgin its a white girl. I mean d**n dont white girls get that urge? Maybe we are feeling it more than the white chicks? Who knows. Its not racist just to wonder. I don't know no 25 year old sister who hasnt had s*x. Makes me think a bit.

  21. You're confusing promiscuity with sensuality. Culturally, s*x is embodied differently. Teens today of all races confuse s*x with love. In general, African American women (women, not girls) have a healthier sense of eros, while more often caucasians are the ones dealing with body image problems. This is even represented in today's teen / young adult idols and celebrities.

  22. I don't really think race has anything to do with it-from the viewpoint of anyone outside of that race, inside however, maybe things are different. I don't believe that race has anything to do with it, I think it is enviorment, being 'poor' and upbringing. I'm white, and live in a pretty ghetto neighborhood, and I can see how multiple children, out of wedlock at a young age, could happen to any race. I could be one of those statistics, but my upbringing is strong. I also know that I don't want that lifestyle-multiple kids out of wedlock. Race is really not the issue.

  23. s***s come in all shapes, sizes, and COLORS!

  24. it's coz of the way people grow up, i know a guy who used to work at fields in his farm in america, he used to have so many bros and sis' helpin' out, nowadays he just gets lonely round the house because of his past.

    this is a mild guess but do you watch talkshows? :)

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