Anyone who wants to accuse Whites of unjustified racism should download a week's supply of any one of our daily newspapers online, and read the truth. The co-discoverer of DNA, one Dr. Watson, declared that HIS Professional opinion was that Blacks are genetically inferior to Whites- and he was vilified. I only just now heard of Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech, which no one ever told me about while I lived in England. I knew the name, but no what he was infamous for. The man was right, and they punished him for telling the truth.
If there is a curse upon the Black race, it would explain everything. Imagine if you saw a man beat up another man, to "prove" his "superiority." Would you not abuse the bully?
But what if the man, after beating the fellow to a standing eight-count, now sits him down, and says, "Here is my gun. Here is how it works," gives a good demo. "I am laying my gun down by you, here. I am giving you live ammunition. If you want to prove that you are a man...