
Are Bondage and Sadomasochism really as fun as they sound?

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I just want to know cos me and my girlfriend think they sound really fun and we both think about that stuff, just I live in the UK and she lives in Texas so we can't exactly try it ourselves yet and also we're underage.

Are Bondage and Sadomasochism really as fun as they sound though?




  1. I'd played in that scene for a short time a long time ago and enjoyed it. There are people that take it very seriously, which is what turned me off on it. But, for couples playing in the bedroom, hey just have fun! Be careful! and respect the needs of your partner! Though, being in such a long distance relationship might make it a little to remote to get to tied up.  

  2. One: You're in the right category, you're in a L*****n relationship after all! :)

    Secondly, it's totally down to the couple and your preferences. If you both think it sounds fun, chances are you'd enjoy it. Those who don't think it sounds fun would probably not find it so you get what I'm saying?

    It's totally down to you and your partner. You might enjoy (as someone else wrote on here) some "light" S&M, such as blindfolds etc, or you might enjoy the more "hardcore" approach with handcuffs, whips and chains etc.

    It's always important though that you agree on a code word with your girlfriend so if she or you don't like what is happening you can say the code word and you stop what you're doing immediately.

    Hope I helped!

  3. the closest i got to that was handcuffs and lickable oils and blind fold...and that was awesome. were not really into that hurting each other thing. thats not really our thing...but that depends on you two.

    if youre into it and it works for you , than it will be alot of fun. if not, then it wont be, try it, if you like it then itll be fun. if not then it wont be.

    good luck.

  4. If it sounds remotely appealing to you, then you'll really love it. BUT... before you get going I would have a convo with your lady and agree on what you think is s**y... you can be tied up and sensual (very gentle with ribbons and silk blindfolds...feathers...) or you can be rough (very d********x... with whips and ropes/handcuffs)... just make sure you all are on the same page before you get all tied up. Good Luck!

  5. it's very interesting, just be careful, as it is easy to go too far with this.

  6. Only if you do it properly safely and with someone you either love, or have a good relationship with.

    It's a good way of affirming a top and bottom positioning in a relationship, but it's also just nice to do together for simple sexual fun. Take it as far as you want to, anywhere from furry love-cuffs to full on mummification and beatings... Find your level and enjoy !

    (if youre in London or local, google "london alternative market" for GREAT people and well priced clothing and equipment)

    Enjoy !

  7. As fun as babe h**l they're great their last song tie me up knock me down was a classic.

  8. I've always found it so, but educate yourselves about how to do it safely before you try anything.

  9. Does it sound fun?

  10. as long as you can relax and enjoy what you're doing.

  11. It depends.  Some people like it while others don't.  If you both think you will like it then chances are you will.  If the concept is a turn-on, the follow through typically will be as well (not in all cases though).

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