
Are Brazilian guys passionate?

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It seems like they are so passionate and affectionate (much more so than american guys!) and absolutely adore the women they are with ...... do you agree?




  1. I agree with you 100%;  There are many factors that will validate this claim.  Howevwer I can pin point two right of the bet.

    1) Brasilian women (generaly speaking) are less detached of material things in comparison to American women (generaly speaking), they rather stay with a guy who has less but treat them good, it's like they're looking for the potential the guys has within, not what the guy has now.

    2)  I believe the tele novelas plays a huge role shaping the romantic behaviour for most Brasilians, here's why:  Growing up in Brasil we're all exposed to tele novelas at one time or another.  It never fails all the components of a good telenovela is a good love story, the girl is promised to one but goes away with the one she likes.  

    I noticed this when I watched couple tele novelas here in the US at Telemundo channel.


    As a Brasilian transplant to America I can atest to the fact that the difference between women is huge, due in fact of cultural differences.  Mainly in Brasil happiness and hope of a better future comes before social status and money.  Here in America women are conditioned to look at the man's riches and his social status.  When I marry I'll defenetly marry a Brasilian over an American.

  2. Yes; I am !

  3. I would say there as passionate as any other  guy in the world... not as experience because im straight but, just depends on the guys you meet!

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