
Are British police having problems keeping up with the times?

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Are British police having problems keeping up with the times?

With all the new foriegn people moving in. Punk Ars kids. etc...

Are the british police having problems keeping up?




  1. British police are useless!

  2. Nope!

  3. Not really, they have no problems actually finding and arresting the criminals out there, in fact I'd say they're getting better at it. The real problem is that there is an increasing number of criminals/thugs/young offenders out there, there's actually no room in our prisons that they're releasing people in there who have almost completed their sentences or who have done 'less threatening' crimes. And with no money to build new prisons, they're stuck.

  4. I think they have a tough job to do. Whatever they do they are always criticized. They have to enforce the law whilst obeying the law whilst the thugs they arrest can do as they like. I believe schoolteachers have the same problem.

    Compare the British police against some of there foreign counterparts. Who treats its people most fairly?

    In some countries people can be arrested simply for holding hands down the street when they are not married, yet it is okay to beat your wife if you feel she is embarrassing  you.

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