
Are Brits aware that the Queen has relinquished her sovereignty?

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when she signed the Treaty of Lisbon? I'm an American that is very fond of Britain. I don't see British television or news papers. I'm just wondering if the average Brit is aware of this. Can you refer me to a website that shows how this has been presented to the British people?




  1. That incompetent political cretin Gordon Brown signed the Lisbon Treaty!

  2. The average Brit is very clever and is aware of many things. He/she is also aware that their darling queen did not sign the Treaty of Lisbon. You are very fond of Britain? What does that mean for the average American, who doesn't read British newspapers, or watch British TV, or watch British issues on US TV stations? Are you proud, or do you wish to make love to any Brit that crosses your path?  

  3. It was well publicised at the time.

    Are you afraid that a more united Europe will be even more of a threat to American hegemony? What with the rise of China and Asia, the USA will soon be relegated to the second division.

    Edit: The Queen DID sign the treaty. Don't you read the papers?

    From Parliamentary proceedings:

    Article 6 of the Lisbon Treaty provides that:

    “This Treaty shall be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Italian Republic”.

    Ratification is the process by which the UK indicates its consent to be bound by a treaty under international law. The procedure for ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon on behalf of the UK is the same as that for previous EU amending treaties. An instrument of ratification is drafted and submitted for the signature of

    1 July 2008 : Column 780W

    Her Majesty The Queen. This is then sealed and bound and forwarded to our embassy in Rome for delivery to the Italian Government as depositary.

    The administrative arrangements for ratification of the Lisbon Treaty were initiated following the granting of the Royal Assent to the EU (Amendment) Bill on 19 June 2008. The completion of these arrangements normally takes a number of weeks.

  4. No sovereignty is involved in Lisbon treaty.

    We are not part of the USA because of NATO!!

  5. the british crown is a ceremonial title, everyone knows this

  6. Yes most of us are well aware. It was incidentally the

    Maastricht Treaty, 1992,this was the treaty that established the idea of European citizenship and the Euro currency. It also surrendered the Queen's power in Parliament to an unelected body in Europe.

  7. I think you'll find the Queen didn't sign the Lisbon Treaty, it was the Traitor Brown.

  8. The 'average' Brit is also very fond of Britain and has been aware of the continual erosion of sovereignty as indeed it has affected all individual EU member states.

    However the Queen has been little more than a constitutional figurehead and has,in practice played  an insignificant role in Britain's legislature and judiciary.

    In practice it means very little and in fact far less than what is more tantamount to the relinquishing of democracy by the British people themselves.

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