
Are Bull Mastiffs afraid of water?

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my family and i got a little dog bull mastiff and lab mix, but its afraid to go into the water, and we were wondering if they're afraid of water?




  1. no any dog can like water if you take them when they are a puppy like to a lake, or pond.  labs love water but then again some labs don't like water at all.

    i have a rottweiler and she can't wait till i put water in the tub to give her a bath she is already in the tub and she loves water. my chihuahua's hate water and some breeds don't like water and some breeds do it just depends really.....

  2. might just be your dog's personality. most lab mixes love water.

  3. He is afraid of water because he hasn't been introduced to it correctly. You will want to generally introduce him to water as just a puddle and move on from there. Don't push him or you will make him afraid of water... it is gradual process that comes with time. Trust me... I have 2 Labs and they didn't come loving the water... now I can't get them out! :)

  4. no

  5. Not hardly!  Your pup needs to be conditioned to like it..

  6. Ok No dog is born afraid of anything!  A dog is trained to what it is afraid of.  if you give him treats while he is in or around water he will learn to love it

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