
Are CFL bulbs dangerous? My SO said one of his had burned out and the base unit looked like it had?

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overheated. The white plastic was darkened. Could that have been a defective bulb? Now he doesn't want to have them in my house.




  1. I have never heard of an occurence like that taking place.  I have replaced all the lightbulbs in my house with CFL's several months ago and have not had any problems at all.  The only side effect has been a lower energy bill. :)  I'm almost certain that the incident you encountered was th result of a defective bulb of some kind.  CFL's do have higher mercury levels than other lightbulbs.  Experts recommend that when that CFL finally burns out to simply place it in a sandwich ziplock bag and seal it before you dispose of it in your trash can.

  2. I've had a few bulbs do that.  One has burned a hole in the white base part.  It's a nice short out.  Not really dangerous though.  They smoulder for a bit and cool down pretty fast.  They definitely don't heat up to the point that it will set a lamp shade on fire, or the brass s***w the bulb goes in to.

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