
Are Canada, USA and Mexico going to get an economic and commercial North Hemisphere free trade agreement ?

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Are Canada, USA and Mexico going to get an economic and commercial North Hemisphere free trade agreement ?




  1. We already have one in place.  It's called the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and has been active since the Clinton administration.  Not everyone is happy with it and want to abolish it.

  2. They already have one.

    It is called NAFTA.

    Whether it works properly is subject of much controversy.

  3. North American Union is being conceptualized by the leaders of US, Canada and Mexico in order to improve economic cooperation.

  4. there is already a free trade agreement with good bad and ugly in it and it is called NAFTA or TLC , however there is the possibility of making the agreement going further or of eliminating the trade agreement we already have since a lot of people believe it isn't positive for most citizens . if it when further some believe it would be called the North American Union and would be similar to the European Union in some aspect although unlike in the EU in the NAU  the USA would have  a much larger share , meaning that it would not cause any significant law changes to the USA citizens .

    i personally do think that free trade agreements do actually help everyone since they allow the citizens of those countries involved to get cheaper goods , however what we have right now does give us that possibility in a lot of things but not in all since the American government in particular does pay a lot of money to their most powerful farmers so that are able to sell cheaper and do not have any competency from anyone else , which is kind of bad since once they get rid of the competency they are too able to sell at the cost that they please .

  5. Yeah!

  6. NAFTA. What a frigging mess.

  7. they already do


  8. It all has to do with value of dollar.

  9. NAFTA is fading away in the dust as we form the North American Union (already signed into existence by Bush).  Like the EU, once the NAU is established, trade agreements among Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. will be moot.

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