
Are Canadian horses good barrel racing horses?

by Guest61190  |  earlier

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I have a 14.2 black pony, which I think is a Canadian horse. I barrel race with her, and we're still stuck at 21 seconds unfortunately. I'm only 12 though. Anyways, I want to know if Canadian horses have speed and agility.




  1. i was once told that-- the only thing canada is good for is hookers and hockey players----not sure about horses

  2. withe traning any horse can do anything. i have a draft horse that can tern on a dime  so yours should be abile to.

  3. With "good" being the operative word in that question, I would have to answer 'yes' if the horse is spirited and has a willing heart and you can match that with patience and long hours working with your horse building strength, flexibility and coordination. Barrel racing is a team effort, you and your horse, and I have seen countless fast sprinting Quarter Horses lose a great amount of time to lesser horses who were more flexible, better coordinated and faster in the barrel turns. While not a particularly fast sprinter as is the Quarter Horse, the Canadian Horse is spirited, muscular, has sound legs, good feet, and is a good all-rounder known for endurance. If you can match some of those qualities yourself and are patient in training and in developing your horse's suppleness and coordination necessary for tight fast barrel turns, your Canadian may never be a 'great' barrel horse but can certainly be a "good" barrel horse. But whether or not your horse has a fighting chance at being good depends a lot on you.

  4. No they suck at berrel racing.


    if he is built right etc you'll do fine

    but running a 21 you need allot of help

    learn to ride better and take lessons DO NOT BLAME A HORSE BECAUSE You do not think he is fast enough

    Its usually the rider that slows one down

    So just really trying harder

  6. Any horse can do anything with a little hardwork and training. Good muscle tone, and reining skills just take some time to saddle up and hit the arena, and work with the horse. People said my horse would never jump over fences she now jumps 2.2 ft better than she did before not even going over poles. Time and effort is what makes a horse a champion, not the breed. Any horse even the weak can become a star.....Practice!

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