
Are Canadians any thing like Americans?

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Or are they more culturally closer to Europe?




  1. Abby H:

    Please do yourself a favour and read a book.  Canada is NOT a European country and Canada is NOT part of the US.  

    And we do NOT sing God Save The Queen.  

    Canadians may read the same books and watch the same programs on TV as Americans do but that's where our similarities end.

  2. No ,  Canadians  have more class.....

  3. Canada is a European country, even though it's part of America.  They sing songs about the queen and have many of the same policies as many Europian countries.  They're goegraphically close to us and speak the same language (for the most part...some parts of Canada is predominately French-speaking) but other than that, Canadians are pretty different than us

  4. Neither; Canadians are vehemently not American or European!  The quickest way to determine if a person is a Canadian is to accuse them of being an American.  Canadians are no longer the little brother.  Canada is the largest supplier of oil products, lumber, food products and electricity to the US.  The trade deficit is approaching a $billion/day. The Canadian Currency has held its value while the US has declined.

  5. They are certainly not like the Americans.

    They are certainly more cultured.

  6. That depends on where you are from. Americans in Buffalo will certainly have similar likes/dislikes as someone from Toronto, for example.

    Likewise, someone from the Canadian prairies has the same midwestern attitudes and laidback lifestyle as someone from Montana or another US midwest state.

    But if you compared people from Montreal to people just south of them in New York, you would see two completely different cultures. Quebec and parts of New Brunswick are very much francophone and closer to a European atmosphere...and not just because of the French, but also for traits and habits.

    About the only Canadians that are quite significantly different are the maritimers. To me at least, they are quite different than other Canadians in their speech, interests, and culture. And they are totally unlike anyone I have met in USA.

    The one significant difference I know of is in our patriotism. Canadians are very patriotic, but they keep that inside and it only comes out when the anthem is played, or when someone starts comparing us to Americans.

    On the other hands, patriotism in USA is a way of life, and in some cases a requirement. If I drive down a city block in the States, I'll see 15 flags on about 20-30 houses. Here you may see one on the same size block.

    And I find Canadians seem to have a better sense of humour on many topics. A joke I saw a while back about America vs Canada was that "...A Canadian is just an unarmed American with healthcare...". Still makes me chuckle.

  7. i say we are not like americans or europeans we are canadians. we have our own culture and history like every other counry. and thats how i like it!

  8. american are nothing like canadians


    canadians are nothing like the americans

  9. Well, I hate my answer, but as a Canadian, and to answer your questions of are we more like Europeans or more like Americans, we are more like Americans.  However that is not to say we are exactly like Americans, and we do have European influences.  

    However, probably 2/3's or more of what we watch on TV is American, and American products flood in like the Magazines and Newspapers Newsweek, Time, and Coke and Coors light.  Football is popular, and European Football we call soccer is only popular as a kids game.  There are many examples.

  10. Yes.. although many Canadians will try to argue otherwies... we are alot like Americans.  English Canadians are anyways.  We share an extremely similar culture, watch the same media, play the same sports (although we like hockey alot more).

    I mean what do you expect?  We share a very similar history that interlinks with one another, and we're neighbours sharing a very long undefended borther.

    I've been to Western Europe.. I've been all over the US.  We are WAY more similar to Americans than Europeans.  

    It kind of pisses me off when my fellow Canadians try to deny this fact.  Canada does have an identity issue for sure.. because we're so similar to Americans... some of us who haven't grown up yet try to differentitate ourselves in any way possible.  it's become part of the poor man's Canadian nationalism if  you will.  Instead of focusing on what our country is, they seem to focus on what our country is not (which is American).

  11. no Canadians have brains!

    and we don't ask dumb questions !

  12. European, definitely.  Even the architecture of the older buildings in Eastern Canada are of European design.

  13. Europe, definitely.

  14. It depends on where the Canadians/ Americans are from. I believe you find many Americans in the northern states have similar personalities.

    I believe we are slightly closer to the U.S. in terms of culture. But still have certain connections with Europe.

  15. No, Americans are not like Canadians, but God bless those Americans--they keep trying.

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