
Are Canadians prejudiced against the disabled?

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My freind and her family, who applied to emigrate to Canada and were assured they had permission to enter, are being held at Border Control for the past two days because the Border Control officer insists they would not have given permission for a 'child like that' to enter the country.

The officer is referring to my friend's disabled daughter. Before they sold up here and bought a house and business in Canada they were told they had permission, and had declared everything they needed to in their application.

So why are they being told they have to return to England?

My friend is in a dreadful state, and this officer is refusing to give the name of her superior.

What can they do?




  1. In South Park they hint that you need to be Special Needs to get into Canada !!

    And, for the insulter below - i watch South Park with an open and Liberal mind; so i may have been naive but not culpable, lol.

  2. I'm not sure how we're supposed to make a judgment without knowing any details about the situation. Perhaps the officer had good reason to think there was a significant medical risk. We don't know.

  3. Obviously this lady has applied for a visa and in that she would have included her child.Medicals would also have been done in declaring her childs disability. so i cannot understand why the family are being held at the border.

    My advice would be to try this website and have a scout about also get in contact with the embassy of the country they travelled from.

    i hope this gets resolved.

    and to the clown who referred to south want to be ashamed of yourself for saying things like dont know the child's circumstances so shut it.

  4. In Canada it's what you have to offer them that counts They raid other countries to get their well educated

    They make a big deal of how open they are Not true Down south[America] you must prove you can support yourself It's very low family of three $22,000 U S per year

  5. Yup. With all it's talk about multi-multiculturalism and tolerance, Canada is a VERY hypocritical country. Unlike the US, Canada has a "points" system. It favors young, healthy, individuals of means with existing family members in Canada. As for recourse, it won't be easy. I would suggest you get a barrister in the UK with experience in matter of emigration to Canada.

  6. I would certainly get that officers full name and rank and I will go ahead and write the Canadian embassy with all the supporting documentations which allowed my family to be admitted in Canada. After that, I will hire a lawyer and  file a lawsuit against the Canadian government for incompetency on their part which had caused aggravation to me and my family.

  7. Yes canada only lets in some disabled if the family is born in Canada. My child has autism and her Canadian stepdad sponsored her but there are high very wealthy immigrants who kids were denied entry to Canada. It is the social health system.

    The supreme court of Canada has ruled they are an "undue" burden on the system. Even one the rich father offered to pay for all his sons medical and schooling. They are very discriminatory and they often do not provide therapy for many autistic or other mentally challenged kids born in Canada. Suits up the **** on this subject.

    I am sorry. THe govt there does that. I contacted schools and traveled there before i moved  and they too said it was ok then bam.

  8. I'm Canadian, so I'll try to answer the best I can.

    First of all, what is "permission?"  Permission to enter or permission to live in Canada, two very different things.

    If this family is moving to Canada, you have to try and understand our overall view of immigration.  Canada is very pro-immigration, but it is a system designed to let in skilled workers (and their families).  You have to be able to contribute to society to get in, or at least someone in your family.  A disabled child would be viewed as a lifetime strain on the health care system (which is much more socialist than that of the USA).  It would be difficult to get access for a disabled child, unless the parents were highly skilled in their fields.

    You must look at it from our point of view, which, in the case of immigration, is a business or humanitarian view.  If the child's family does not fall under these two areas, I can't see her gaining access.  Again, difficult to comment without details.  What is permission?  Someone said so over the phone?  Visa?  Permanent residence?

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