
Are Canadians really as awesome as they seem??

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Are Canadians really as awesome as they seem??




  1. Thanks for the compliment, but we are just regular people. Some of us are really nice, some are mean, and everyone has their good and bad days.

    And I think many people will disagree with you...just ask "Jeff"...   ;-)

  2. Not all, but that's true of all kinds of people from different countries.

  3. Sure thing. Read 'The Cootenay Highlander'. At least I think that's what it's called.

  4. YES

  5. Yes. We embrace people of cultures, have a national anthem where you say "O" 4 times,  and can speak English AND French. We also love all other people and countries too. There are some people that are not "the awesomest", but no matter how hard you try not to, you will always find a rotten apple in a basket. Peace for all :)

  6. Yes, generally we are pretty great.  ;)

    However, we do have some stinkers in this country; Robert Pickton (notorious serial killer), Conrad Black and seal hunters.

  7. YES = ) they are.

    but of course, like everywhere there are some meanies.

  8. Yes.  Yes we are.

  9. Canadians are not much different from people anywhere else in the world.  There are some great ones, and some not so great.   Generally I think that most Canadians try to be friendly and welcoming to newcomers and to tourists.  Thank you for the kind words.

  10. No they are even MORE awesome <big grin>

  11. Your question doesn't make sense.People are people,there are good and bad people no matter where they are in the world.

    I am Canadian

  12. as a canadian obviously im gonna say yes but im not the only one that thinks that. i know many people from all over the worl who think canadians are the most nicest and fun people they've ever met. i guess i wouldnt disagree. we embrace everyones culture and religion. we welcome anybody and everybody with open arms. you've probably heard a rumor that canadians are really nice and i think they are. so to conclude yes us canadians are as ausome as we seem!! thanks for the comment!!

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