
Are Cartoon Character shirts approprite for Preschool? Please Answer!?

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My son will be starting preschool this year and I am not sure what kind of clothing is appropriate. My niece went to school with a Cinderella shirt on and the kids picked on her because of it. My son wants to wear his Wallee shirt or a Go Diego Go outfit for the first day and I am not sure if I should let him or not. I don't want him to get picked on. What do you think? Do you or would you dress your preschooler in cartoon character outfits?




  1. I think cartoon characters at the preschool level are just fine.  My son is starting first grade next week and his school has switched to mandatory uniforms, one of the points being that there will be no more superhero clothing driving unhealthy, unsafe activities on the playground.  I think that idea is pretty silly, but whatever...I have to go with the program.

    Your son will be fine.  :-)  Enjoy it.

  2. i think you should let him. if anything it will let him learn independance at an early age, not to follow the other kids which will be great when he gets older!

    If he is comfortable in it then let him wear it. I can't imagine other preschool kids picking on him for wearing a shirt of a show they watch too! was your niece older? i could see 2nd-3rd garders making fun though!

  3. Cartoon Character shirts are very appropriate for preschool it's when they hit like the first grade it becomes not ok.Most girls pick on other girls because they are jealous.Boys don't care that much about what other boys wear.If i had a child i definitely would send them with a carton character shirt. I hope your son has an awesome first day!!  

  4. my daughter wears cartoon character shirts to school sometimes why not if he is excited about it then I don't see why it would be a problem

  5. Why not?  I would let my son wear what he feels most comfortable in.  Going to preschool is a change, and if a Wallee shirt would help him feel better about it all, then I'd let him wear it.  You can't competely shelter kids from being picked on.  I don't see any good reason why a Cinderella shirt would have caused that!  I taught at an elementary school for 3 years and the young children always wore stuff like that.

    I don't think it's a big deal.  

  6. Being teased in preschool! God kids are getting worse and worse.Let him wear what he wants. If he feels comfortable that should be fine. Anyways most pre-schoolers are obsessed with Wall-E or Deigo anyway,so there shouldn't be a problem!

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