
Are Castleford wrong to offer Dwain Chambers a chance? And will he be able to cut it playing Rugby League?

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  1. Hopefully he will be right at home and beaten to the cowardly pulp he is every week

  2. very suprised cas are giving him a chance....this man has never played rugby in his life and he's coming into one of the hardest leagues in world sport.Thankfully he can run...he's gonna need to to avoid the bone crunching tackles.....seriously though,hope he knows what he's letting himself in for.....

  3. Cass are just trying a stunt the rl should not allow this as they have a strict drug policy themselves.Anyway it don't matter as he would not even come close to making the grade 29 his far to old to start playing rugby league plus there is a lot more involved than just running fast.

  4. No and it's unlikely he will be able to learn the skills necessary to stay after his trial period, it's one of the toughest games there is. Personally I think Cas are only doing it for the publicity.

  5. leave the bloke alone he has served his punishment, let him get on with his life

  6. No and No

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