
Are Catholic schools free in Ottawa, Ontario?

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If no, is there a webpage I can view that shows me the tuition payments for various Catholic Schools?




  1. Yes

  2. Schooling here is paid for through taxes so in a way you are paying, but there is no exact tuition.

    This is the site for the Ottawa Catholic School Board-which is where I go:

    I'm sure you'll get the information you need on there as well as a list of schools.

    As for money you will have to pay, all schools ask for an activity fee from each student which is about $20. It pays for agendas and stuff like that.

  3. Yes there are free catholic schools in Ottawa Ontario canada

    There are

    french catholic (where students receive all subjects in french, and report card and paper-work are all in french)

    english catholic, where students have the choice in elementry school between extended ( where they receive 2/8 subjects in french) or immersion (where they get 5/8 subject in french. And in secondary and high school they have the choice between core (1/8) or immersion (5/8)

    School's require a birth certificate and/or birth certificate, proof of residence and the student themselves must be baptised or have at least one parent that is.

    Hope thsi helps.

  4. FREE ?

    No you have to be a "Catholic school supporter " thru your local property taxes. Even if you are paying  your property taxes to support the Catholic school system,  they  still charge fees for books and other items during the school year.

    So no , it isn't  free, just as the Public school  system is not free.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  5. There is a public, catholic board, yes. The school system in Ottawa is broken down into...





    That being said, if you want a private school, there is also Joan of Arc Academy in the West End which is Catholic-Private.

  6. There is no seperation of church and state in Canada.  There are free religious schools in many provinces.

  7. yup i believe they are!

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