Dr.Spencer Wells who wrote a book titled "journey of man" claims he has evidence based on the Y-Chromosome tests, the first group followed the coast line of southern Asia all the way to Australia 50000 years ago after Africa. Another group about 40000 years ago walked again but took an inland route and first settled in Kazakhstan. This group then spread to west thru Russia, some to China and some to Siberia and Alaska, North&South America and some to Pakistan/India. He states that he identified the M9 "central asian" marker which first occurred among people of Central Asian(Turkestan) steppes 40000 years ago. He claims that a man named Niyazov( a Kazak Turk) has the M9 but no subsequent markers, therefore he must have descended in an unbroken line from the people who originally occupied Central Asia 40000 years ago. Well states that Niyazov's gene was the father to most Europeans, most Asians and most Indians.