
Are Central contracts working in the light of or dismal batting performance?

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Would the players be better playing county cricket in between tests although I admit the time is limited. It hasn't done a certain red headed bowler any harm.




  1. Bowling, Cricket, just let them all change games and they will find out how hard "playing" really is.

  2. I think that it's not central contracts, but the amount of cricket that's the problem. Some of the guys need constant cricket to keep their rhythm

  3. yes. that would be better

  4. They work in my opinion mate, there was only a 5 or 6 day break inbetween the tests so there wouldnt have been any point sending the players back to there counties just to play a one day game.

    I think the real problem is the fact that the men pushing for the places in the side (like Shah & Key) are putting no pressure on the current batting line-up. If Shah and Key were scoring some big runs in the CC then the England batsmen would know that there place in the side isnt secure unless they start scoring the runs for England. At the moment English cricket just doesnt have the strength in depth in the batting department causing in my opinion no pressure for the England batsmen.

  5. I don’t believe central contracts are wrong, the attitude towards them perhaps is.

    That being said I think they are a good idea. Many people pushed for central contracts and since they have been in place, England players have been really well looked after by the ECB. They show loyalty with players therefore creating a more team like attitude. This is definitely a good thing. Teams ought to stick with players even when they are going through a rough patch as this should help them to get back in form and develop. When you persist with the same players you bond and become more of a unit in the future. For instance England are already looking to build their team in preparation for next years ashes.

    However some players do abuse the system by doing the minimum amount of work to secure their next contract. I’m also not convinced that the contracts always ensure that a test cricketer gets the right preparation. Some could do with a few more county matches under their belt instead of sitting them out for fear of injury or so called “burn out”.

    Complacency is definitely the word but I still don’t think central contracts should be abolished as the concept behind them is great. Instead I think they would be better if they were equally divided among 30 players, that way nobody’s place is guaranteed unless they are consistently taking wickets/scoring runs. They should also be handed out to some of the players in the Development Squad and at county cricket level as this will ensure that players who are performing well do actually have a chance at breaking into the England side.  :)

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