
Are Chinchillas agressive?

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I have 2 cats at home, and have thought about getting a chinchilla. I know the one cat would just ignore it but the other one might want to play. I would discourage interaction until they were socialized, but would the chinchilla ever be aggressive with the cat?




  1. some times ya know

  2. It all depends on the chin,

    and how you raise it.

    I had one and he wasn't the friendliest,

    no matter how hard I tried to train him.

    But, he got along with my hamsters quite well.

    I'd put them in the cage together and it would be fine.

    Even though he's about four times bigger.

  3. If the cat attacks the Chinchilla the Chinchilla will probably see the cat as a threat. If the Chinchilla is threatened it will develop a fear and then probably the fear causing it to generalize its fear to all cats. Use caution when socializing.

  4. Uhh, well, they aren't aggressive but I REALLY don't think they would like your cat. All Chins are different but most would just see him as a threat and either run away or try to attack him.

    For example, when our Chins are out playing on the floor and the dogs come by, the Chins run and hide. However, I held my dog up to the Chins' cage once so they could see eachother and the Chins started like, biting the cage bars and reaching their little arms out. I guess they are very protective of their home. So..well, I wouldn't advise it. Cats and rodents just don't get along.

    Think of it this way: does your cat like hamsters? I bet he likes to eat them. Chinchillas are basically overgrown hamsters. Plus, they don't have nails so their only defensive mechanism is their teeth. Either way if your cat and the Chin got in a fight one of them would get hurt.

    I don't recommend it. Just keep your cats away from the Chins.

    Good luck.

  5. It depends on the chinchilla, and overall, they're not that aggressive, they are more likely to run than to fight. They are generally shy overall, but can be more curious than anything, which can sometimes cause problems. We had a cat, he was de-clawed and pretty lazy. I would often let him in the room when I had the chinchillas out. He would occasionally chase after them, but never with the intent of hurting them. Neither of the boys developed a fear of him. They actually would jump on and off of him, and he'd sit back and let them. However, they would sometimes nibble on his ears or whiskers. Though, if they hurt him, he would move or bat at them to make them stop. So it depends on the cat on if the chinchilla would be seen as prey or as a playmate. I would have no worries about the chinchilla being "aggressive" toward the cat. He may become curious and nibble on him, as this is what they do to investigate things. However, we also own a dog, and she sees them as prey and they know it. When she puts her nose through the bars, the shyer of the two boys will actually attack her, biting her nose and barking at her. Overall, it depends on how your cat will react to the chinchilla. Good luck!

  6. I wanted a chinchilla for a really long time but once I looked more into it I found out that they are really expensive, and are a lot of work.  First of all, they are animals that need a lot of space.  They need multiple levels in their cage so they can jump around.  (they are animals that jump.)  Also, they chew on EVERYTHING!!!!  They need a cage that is ALL metal no matter what anyone else says.  Anything plastic that is in their cage they will chew straight threw. Even their water bottle has to be attached from the outside.  As for your cats, not sure they would get along as well as you hope.  Each chinchilla is different and has a different personality.  Some prefer to be held, some would rather jump around an enclosed room.  You would need to let them out of their cage to play with them every day.  Make sure all electrical cords are away where they can't reach them... they will chew on them.  I would keep it away from the cats if I were you but again, every cat and chinchilla is different.  Here is a website that should help:

    Good luck!

  7. they are rodents.

  8. its kinda like a bunny. Clip the kitties toenails before playtime. and watch carefully, the Chinchilla is not an aggressive animal, but it might try to defend its self.

  9. I have never met an aggressive chinchilla, they are very docile. I would be more concerned about the cat, because they are natural predators, they will instinctively have it in for your new rodent friends.

  10. nope they are rodents. definitely do your research before getting a chin they can be hard to care for and do best when they are kept in pairs. The chin won't play with your cat and your cat will probably injure it if you let it play with your chinchilla

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