
Are Christians embarrassed by groups like Focus on the Family?

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I mean, come on. This dumba$$ calls on Christians to pray for rain "of biblical proportions" to disrupt the Democratic National Convention. Never mind that that was almost right on the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

The irony of the Republican National Convention possibly being postponed because of "rain of biblical proportions" notwithstanding, do Christians wish that these media Christians would step away from the microphone?




  1. I cannot say that I agree wholeheartedly with everything James Dobson says, but for the most part I do. It is refreshing to hear a Christian commanding as large an audience as he does in such a godless world as we live in.  

  2. Im proud of Focus on the Family, a group who isnt politically correct.  A group who understands that what we see as popular is actually wrong sometimes.

  3. What are you talking about?

  4. I wish that anyone who comments on anything nonreligious from a "religious" standpoint would just shut up.

  5. Yes. As a Christian, I tend to be embarrassed by right-wing Christian conservatism in general, especially when its loudest proponents make such outrageous statements as if all Christians agreed with them. I'm tired of my religion being invoked as an excuse for oppression, hatred and bigotry.

  6. The video doesn't sound "tongue in cheek" to me.

    They want that prayer answered because they know they are losing their fearless leader Bush...  and McBush won't be nearly as strong an advocate.  They don't want to lose the power base they have built in the last 8 years.

    Yes, it's shameful.  The longer I watched the video, the more disgusted I became.

  7. He has one of those really punchable faces.

    What an idiot.

  8. Wow.

    I don't think it's right for you to exploit a hurricane to prove a point..

    I guess you were just raised wrong. :/

  9. There is no obligation as a Christian to do what others say, if they teach contrary to the Bible.

  10. Those who have dark intentions often take up the banner of religion. Wolf in sheep's clothing is how Jesus expressed it. Mixed up theology explained in my bio.

  11. I'm so embarrassed by all large pro-homophobia advocacy groups.  Did you know that at least 7 researchers have condemned Mr. Dobson for misusing their studies to promote his homophobic ideas?  I thought lying was a sin?

    I believe God is tired of being mocked.  These radical anti-g*y activists called for rain during the Democratic convention and the weather was flawless.  Now, God may show them some real rain and it may result in injury to innocent people.  I guess it shows how much God listens to these extremists.

  12. I have a feeling that this was tongue in cheek. It is interesting that when non-Christian groups make videos and write books and it insults Christians it is perfectly ok.  If this guy was really serious, it would truly surprise me. Focus on the Family is an organization that I have respected for years, but if I ever truly found out that this was serious, I would be the first to complain, and withdraw my support.

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