
Are Christians grasping for straws to save their god?

by Guest58841  |  earlier

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The end is near.




  1. Your question is very vague; more details would help for someone to answer your question better.

    The way I see it, you want to know if Christians are trying to come up with excuses to defend the fact that their God exists. Well, there are always two sides of a coin.

    On one hand, if you believed that God was real, wouldn't you do all you could to defend Him? I mean, the promise of eternal paradise and reuniting with passed love ones after death is a very nice prospect, when in retrospect all you had to do was give a portion of your eternal life to serve God.

    On the other hand, Christians may have to stretch things a bit with all this opposition being flung at them. Scientific findings have and probably always will directly conflict with the creation story told in the Bible.  However, it could have been created to look like that. I couldn't really tell you, I wasn't there at the time =P All we can do is believe, and if we're right, good on us, shame on you, and if not, doesn't matter anyway, we don't exist.

  2. I am a Christian and my God does not need saving. If He indeed made all things, including me, there is not much I need to do to help Him. I do believe that the end is near. We all need to get our act together and find our priorities.

  3. If a man/woman does not believe in a higher being and does not love mankind, then for him or her religion does not exist.  

    Whether it be Christianity or any other religion, those that profess one are exercising their faith whose beliefs are communicated through the teaching of their religion.  

    Since teaching is an expression of communication, of which is an art form as much as a skill, some may not be as adept at it as others just as some are more, or less, adept at learning.  

    I can not think of a better example of this than the question asked.

  4. Somebody with 2012 in their username should know all about grasping at straws.  From experience.

  5. god does'nt need saving it's you that needs saving! when allah and budah and mohammed and all the rest are gone and forgotten about god will just be getting started .sooorry

  6. Probably.


  7. obviously you never seen the "scientific miracles" muslims put forth to show theyre god is real

    some of it is kinda funny

  8. Straw grasping is a natural activity of man like trying to make something out of nothing as with life without a creator.

  9. The end isn't near. I'm a Secular Humanist but I know that at the core of one's existence lies creed.

    Take Pythagoras' religious faith for instance. Over two millennia have past since it was set up and although it never enjoyed the privileges of state ideologies (such as Islam or Christianity) Pythagoras' ideas still make the main principles of the Durze faith nowadays.

    Philo lived 500 years after Pythagora. He provided the philosophical ground on which Christianity was founded. Philo's philosophical and religious system appeals because it offers a meaning to Man and the world he lives in, and shows him how he can control his destiny.

    If "God is dead" (as Nietzsche stated in 1882), then why is "In God We Trust" the US official motto (by Congress law in 1956)?

  10. We shall see.

    And for your record, you are very confident you will still be around at 2012?

    :-) of course, we want you to be alive, to be a testimony, too.

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