
Are Clinton Democrats being driven to the right?

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Thanks to the railroading of Hillary, I feel disinclined to watch such sickeningly sycophantic Obama boosters on MSNBC, CNN, and the like. I don't feel at home among the hijacked Democratic party, hijacked by image-mongers and race-patronizers who sacrificed quality and credentials for empty imagery and rhetoric. I feel disaffected by the stupid, boring sport of Bush-bashing on MSNBC and the like. I'm tired of the constant condescending race-patronizing of Obama and the constant parade of African American talking heads telling us what they want as African-Americans. I don't believe in identity politics and I think that it's destroying the Democratic party. I am being driven away from the lunatic fringe. What say you?




  1. Yes, I think Clinton Democrats got the boot.  Obama is a sexist, racist Islamic worshiping devil.

    The democratic party has gone where they shouldn't have gone.

    Could they at least put a American on the ticket - regardless or s*x or race.  All I ask is for an American.

  2. Seems that way!! People are tired of the demo.Nancy Pelosi, look what she is doing to her own people, why would most want more of the same!


  3. Absolutely. The dems are guilty of sexism and making up untrue scandals . I'm glad the reps are rallying around Palin and speaking out againts sexism and very disappointed that the dems ignored it and just threw Hillary to the wolves.

  4. Don't quit your day job.  You aren't doing a good job with your Democrat impersonating.  

  5. I don'' blame you at all.  Years ago the dem party was one for the working man.  The comon man.  Now days you just cant recognize them anymore, they are soooooo left.

  6.   There are going to be more cross over voters both Democrats undecided and independents than any other national election in our history.   The writings on the wall for the Democratic Party they stand on the edge of a sheer cliff and they know it.  Im hoping beyond hope that the real true Americans can regrasp the reins of their party and return it to its traditional roots.  And im a staunch conservative i think its just a shame how a once proud party has been hijacked and used by leftist loons for their own purposes and not for ours.

  7. No............if they go they will drive themselves...........................

  8. Have you not discovered the link of Union media and Union Hollywood and Union Print media to a Union candidate (Democrat).

    Obama is a "Unionizer". Hollywood and the media have collaborated to be his public relations agent. We are now living in a world of corrupt media and government that is perpetuating a groupthink.

    (mold the young and they are yours) - Union Hollywood celebs, Union Music Bands, singers, teachers, Union writers of (textbooks, newspapers, magazines) a kid today is spoonfed from the time the start kindergarten,

    George Orwell's "1984" where Winston says he won't become "one of them", yet through the process of being culturized, he slowly slips into braindead and doesn't even realize it.

    Welcome to now.

    Obama can't say he's not involved because I'm on his mailing list.

    The fish rots from the head down.



    Hey, don't vote for him if you don't want to, but take responsibility for your decision.

    The Democratic party is the strongest it has been in ages, thanks to a great candidate.  You mention the "parade of African-Americans"... I think that's the real issue you have. At least look at your discomfort for what it is, and then do whatever you have to do.

  10. ha ha, keep dreaming. clinton will never turn on the dems. he knows he helped become one of the better dems in years so he wouldn't be dumb to ruin his rep.

  11. Actually the right is making sure the stay to the left. Thank Palin for that

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