
Are Colleges/Universities in Canada allowed to have cameras in classrooms?

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Are Colleges/Universities in Canada allowed to have cameras in classrooms?




  1. Do you mean security camera or cameras to tape the class so that you could use it to study?

    I know here in the United States you could, but only if you have the professors permission.

    I'm sure you are allowed but only if you get permission from your professor. Ask your prof. first

  2. If you mean security cameras, of course they can. It's private property and the school is allowed to place security cameras wherever they please, except in places of privacy, ie. washrooms, change rooms, residence rooms, etc.

    If you mean taping your lectures, you will have to ask your professor. Every professor has a different opinion on the taping of lectures and some may allow it and some may not. But whatever you do, make sure to ask first, since taping a lecture while prohibited is a serious offense.

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