
Are Councils using the recycling Schemes to bully residents and reduce the service.

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I agree with recycling because it seems to be a sensible wat of going about things. However time and time again we here of excuses for not delivering the service from health anad safety on. some councils will accept thsi but notthat and other s that but not this. Why can they not all gettogether with contactors and sing from the same hymn sheet




  1. The massive problem with recycling is it's a private operation run to make a profit.

    You are paying to have your bin emptied, the council has to ensure a percentage of your waste is recycled, so you have at least two collections, some places more.

    The company taking your waste for recycling from the council has a finite amount of space, so it's only going to take the materials it can make most profit from.

    The only way you get them all singing from the same hymn book is to Nationalise the whole industry. If it's being run as not for profit, more can be recycled and council tax, "could", drop.

  2. WTF we recycle because if we dont then the world will blow up from global warming. THINK ABOUT THE PENGUINS!

  3. I don't see your problem. We can only live in one place at a a time and it is not difficult to find out what can and cannot be recycled. I have a weekly general rubbish collection and a two weekly recyclable and garden waste collection, including separate waste paper collection. The service is excellent and the recyclable waste other than paper is composted. The talk of reducing the general collection to once every two weeks has gone now and more and more types of material can be recycled (or at least not dumped in landfill).

    All councils have different priorities and contracts and to let a massive contract to cover all of the UK would be a recipe for disaster and higher cost.

    As for bullying, perhaps we need a little occasionally to get us to open our eyes to what is going on around us!  

  4. real answer is they make too much money out of your recycling

    this is a sore subject to me,

    the actual fact of the matter is that the local authority are the only persons that profit from our waste,

    i did some research into the matter of recycling and addressed the council chambers and asked the same question which they refused to answer even though it was an open meeting so i took the matter further and asked for the public information on their recycling plants,

    anyway here goes.

    your council tax pays for the workers who collect the recycling,

    your council tax has already paid for the recycling plant to be built,

    your council tax pays for the workers in the recycling plant to sort the recycling,

    an independant company then comes in and buys the recycled material off the council at a huge profit,

    this money is then put back into the local authority as profit.

    and all this has been paid for by you so why havent we seen a reduction in our council tax???????????

  5. It seems like that sometimes.

  6. I just want to know if the council tax will go down as a result.

  7. most of it is a load of c**p cant you remember the infant school that were collecting plastic and the bbc followed the truck

    it went straight to the landfill

    or the one last week in barnsley that set up the curbside collection for the adults with learning difficulty's it was making a profit so they put it out for tender and a french company has took it over so now they havent a job

  8. Yes

  9. Yes.     It's a scheme to provide less service and then impose an extra fee, on top of your property taxes.

  10. you for got to put a question mark  

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