
Are Criss Angel's tricks real of illusions?

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Are Criss Angel's tricks real of illusions?

Hey everyone. Okay I am really confused about Criss Angel. His tricks seem soooo real and everyone in the audience is like" it was real i sware .

Are his tricks real or all an illusion? How can you explain when he cut himself in half -

or tore a woman in half-

or when he walks on water?

Please explain how this is done if it is not real. I mean, it is just so realistis. Is he possesed or something?

Oh and how about this? When he gets run over by a STEAMROLLER !

or makes an elephant appear?

HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!THE QUESTION IS "are criss angel's tricks real OR illusions




  1. They are all illusions. Great effects and engineering, but illusions nonetheless.  

  2. His tricks are fake. He performs illusions, the crowd goes wild, then they edit the illusions to make them look even more spectacular. And sometimes, his crowd is even just actors. However, sometimes they are real stunts.

  3. Criss Angel's tricks are called demonstrations. Anyways....

    His demonstrations are either real or they are illusions. How do I know that? Criss has it a bunch of times. Most people don't believe him when he says that. But i'm not most people and I believe that they are either real or illusions. How do u tell if they're real or an illuion? It's up to u to decide. Only Criss and his crew know which is real or an illusion.

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