
Are DVRs a big threat to businesses trying to reach consumers thru commercials?

by Guest32207  |  earlier

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Are DVRs a big threat to businesses trying to reach consumers thru commercials?




  1. A few people are crying wolf on this one, claiming that it is hurting their business... the only people who are complaining though are media companies who sell airtime. For instance NBC. They might claim that users who record an episode using a DVR that removes commercials means less people are 'watching.' The truth of the matter is they're still counting those viewers, even though they're not able to see the commercials, when they're selling air-time to advertisers! They're not suffering, i assure you.

    As for the advertisers, the only reason why they'd be complaining is because they are getting pressured from their clients to in turn put pressure on the media companies to find a solution. The reality is that it, as mentioned briefly in another response, could ultimately mean cheaper rates for the media buy (the air-time). Will that actually happen to a level that is noticeable? Not anytime soon in my opinion.

    Also, as the number of impressions that a television commercial gets goes down, the number of alternative advertising sources goes up. Marketers will look to places like the internet to make-up any lost viewership, an example would be those ads you have to watch before viewing any video content on websites like

  2. I don't think there's a big issue yet, and besides businesses will find ways to communicate with their customers one way or another.

    One thing that may happen demand for air time decreases as more and more people (like me) fast forward through them, air time price may fall as well. Making it more affordable for small businesses.  

  3. I don't think so. Most people don't have them or don't set them up to really block commercials. The industry cries fowl because they want congress to save there a* with a new law that will benef them.

    It's the same story with the music business when 8 tracks came out, cassettes, cds, now MP3 players. The music business is doing just fine without any new laws.

  4. commercials SUCK i hate them...if u really need something go to the store and buy it... or look for it and see if they make it. all this nonsense commercials are stupid, we ALL know about most the c**p out there and if i need it i'll go get it, they dont have ot tell me about it every 10 minutes thru a tv show

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