
Are Danish pastries wrapped clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and Aniticlockwise in the Southern Hem ?

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The mind boggles at what might happen if you had one at the Equator.




  1. On the equator...they are called Eccles Cakes you cloth eared bint!

  2. yes, if you took one from the northern Hemisphere to the southern Hemisphere it would unravel and wrap itself the other way round

  3. There's nothing like a nice intelligent question is there........and this one fits the bill nicely.

    Of course, the answer is YES.

  4. Wrapping a danish pastry against its natural grain can cause the Earth's rotation to reverse. This is why we have an international convention to limit the profiterolisation of Danish pastry.

  5. Yeah, and the food police will get you if you do it wrong!


    Are you left handed or right

  7. right in the north

    left in the south

    flat at the equator


  8. I believe it's random, but if you drop a Danish pastry in to the bath while the water is draining out, it could spell the end of the universe.

  9. Have you ever been to a Danish pastry works? It's beautiful, the way they fill a bath with pastry mix and then let it twirl out of the plug hole onto baking trays.

    The old tradition of the head baker getting into the bath and singing before the mix is let out has sadly fallen by the way, but it is heartening to know that raisins and icing sugar are still spotted on with a rubber ducky.

  10. The laws of quantum mechanics forbid a Danish pastry at the Equator.

    The Coriolis force induces instabilities by breaking the culinary symmetry at distances approaching 1/3 x R (where R is the radius of the Danish pastry).

    As a result, (un)raveling of the quantum M-branes occurs in the 11th dimension causing a Danish to preferentially wrap either clockwise or counterclockwise.

    It is impossible for a Danish to exist at the Equator for this very reason.

    Experts believe that Large Hadron Collider will pave the way to a better understanding of Danish pastry dynamics. Until then, please be cautious and consume these pastries while remaining solidly either to the North or South of the Equator.

  11. Yes they are. And boggle your mind no longer - they aren't wrapped at the equator.

    I should know - Im Danish!

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