
Are Democrats Exempt from fighting "global warming "?

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  1. Nope. They are just the same as Republicans. They should especially be aware of their actions because they are the ones that are directing people's attention toward it. Practice what you preach!!

  2. Algore wants us to live in grass huts and ride bikes to work while he lives in multi thousand square foot mansions and rides with his wife in gas guzzling carbon spuingGulfstream jets. he's really a piece of work " do as I say not as I do and PAY for both of us" the hypocracy of the learjet liberals know no end.

  3. yes, because just by caring, they're doing more than car driving, air conditioned, farting, breathing walking carbon footprint!!!


  4. I don't know about all of them...but I think we can agree Al Gore is, considering his house uses more energy per hour then my does in a month.

  5. Of course they are the elite, just do as they tell you to do and dont think about it. Thinking is their job not he unwashed masses. We are expendable.

  6. No, we ARE the ones fighting it. We are being held back by ring-wing loonies ie Bush/McCain supporters who want to end the world and the human race and bring about the RAPTURE so they can all fly away to heaven to be with JESUS or maybe d**k Cheney. Odd folk, the Republithugs....

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