
Are Democrats at all responsible for today's shortcoming of the government?

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or is it all just Bush's fault?

All I see is a failure of the Congress to act in any manner in the best interest of the people. Not just a failure, but a refusal to act.




  1. I think when the Democrats gained some power back a year ago, they didn't understand the full extent of the publc's anger with George W. Bush. However, every single piece of legislation the Democrats have put up in the past year has been filibustered by the Republicans so there's not a chance of them passng any legislation. Do you honestly think the founding fathers intended a filibuster to be abused in this way?

  2. If Congress doesn't do anything Bush cannot pass laws and bills on his own, checks and balances are the basis of American Gov't.

    One branch (Pelosis Congress) sitting on their butts causes much gridlock, but its much easier to Blame President Bush.

    It's the fault of the do nothing Congress, not George Bush.

    McCain For President

  3. Yes

    They cannot get through the gridlock in the congress at this point due to their small majority and the Pres veto.

    People are POed at them cause they can't get anything done.  From the left and right, hence their poor approval rating.

    If the Nov elections proceed and more congress seats go to Dems, more action should occur.

    Law making is a slow and tedious process on purpose, so laws that are detrimental are not passed.  A good case in point is the Patriot Act.

  4. democrats no. idiots like Bush and McCain yes.  McCain agreed with Bush 90% of the time during his presidency. do we really want another bush in office? if he wins and **** happens just remember N. Salsa told you so

  5. No the Democrats are not responsible for today's shortcoming in the government.  You have to put the fault of the government on the people in office at this time.

  6. Good question.  

    As a Canadian, watching from the sidelines - why hasn't Congress stood up and really done something?

      They are no better than a bunch of  highly paid seat warmers who haven't made the government accountable for anything.  Why?

  7. According to Democrats, everything including the big bang is President Bush's fault.

  8. I'm not going to respond to this question but I do have one comment.

    Look at your avatar photo. Do you really want that man running this country?

  9. No, they aren't congress inherited what republicans did they are not miracle workers. Why do republicans think everyone should be so responsible for there messes. They keep saying they believe in being responsible. A responsible person would not leave office with things off balanced. Should Bush leave office with the surplus that Clinton left him or should Obama have to take on Bush's mess? Come on people stop blaming people for what you all do?

  10. Of course they are...both parties are.  This isn't just the fault of the current president...the problems in this country have long been in the works by Republicans, Democrats, every other politician, and the American people.  We are all to blame for one reason or another.  Pointing the finger at one person is naive.  

  11. The worst places in America are the Inner Cities, they have been run by Democrats for over 50 years, I say YES! VOTE MCCAIN PALIN!

  12. well Bush had a Republican Controled Congress for the vast majority of his term.....Democrats only controled the house and senate for a year and 10 months.......and during that time every thing they tried to do has been vetoed or forced to be re-written and watered down by do you assume we should blame the democrats who only controled congress since November 06 or the Republican controlled government who had control of the congress since 94 and the presedency since 01?

  13. The government shouldnt be a law enforcement official. It should be a upholder of the Constitution

  14. For the past 8 years the Republicans have been in the white house and look where we are at now.........

    I'm a republican and im pretty pissed with the my party right now, and with McCain's choice for VP. Im pissed off even more at the fact that he took away the big edge he had over Obama for not having enough experience. So what does he do? Chooses an igloo version of the Soccer mom.  

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