
Are Democrats really sexist?

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Seeing how they treated Hillary Clinton and are now bashing Palin, it's evident that they are more sexist than racist.




  1. No. There are a lot of feminists within the democratic party. I doubt you would find many feminists that are actually truly Republicans. I don't like Palin based on her beliefs and her record. She seems like a typical Republican to me. I am disturbed to learn about her daughter and the pressure to marry at only 17. Maybe it is the right decision for her but it seems so rushed and it certainly raises a lot of questions. It shows to me that Palin is too busy with her "career" to really be all that concerned with her family. Talk about pretty much putting your life on hold at 17. It's heavy stuff.  

  2. Seems that way to me.

  3. All males are sexist.  It happens when that thing down there starts to rise up.

  4. No Republicans are more sexist because they think that just because she is a woman that women will vote for her without even knowing all her stances. How many times have you heard Cindy talk I feel that she is the one in the background of things not really helpings with the campaign.  

  5. The Palin story is a story because of the terrible irony of a social conservative who is anti-choice, pro abstinence only education, and against the birth control pill having an unwed teenage daughter.

  6. When you look at the history of the democratic party with females, you can see an obvious pattern of sexism. I think any real man would not be afraid of a woman in power. However, it seems many democrats are lacking the necessary set of testicles.

  7. Generalize much? Clinton was rejected because 1) She voted for the war in Iraq and continued to vote for more funding that even Bush requested. 2) She lied about sniper fire in Bosnia. No one who has ever been shot at forgets the details of being shot at. And Palin is a negligent, careless mother too interested in her own celebrity to keep watch over her daughter.

  8. no hillary got lot of votes that's a dumb ? don't you think

  9. Most people I see bashing Palin are women, Hilary is a Democrat don't think she'll ever change parties. No they aren't sexist

  10. No.  

  11. No, not true.

    McCain is sexist with his joke about his wife in Buffalo Chip.

  12. They like women, but only women who believe as they do. I think the Dems have no use for a tough-minded woman, if she's TOO independent. I don't get it.

    I hope I don't miss Meg Whitman's speech at the RNC! Or even Carly Fiorino. I want to see how Carly has been faring since she left HP - what lessons she learned.  

  13. My wife and I think so. They had a chance to nominate Hillary for president and failed to do so. They also could have placed her second on the ticket and failed to do so. We both supported Hillary but will now vote for McCain because he has shown he is not a sexist. The Republican party is more inclusive than the Democrats who have strayed from the party of women, and hard working Americans who are struggling and become an elitist party for the rich.

  14. Yes.  It is OK to be sexist.  The MSM is worse because they should be neutral and they are not.  Their bias was evident in every news item about both Clinton and Baracka.

  15. Hillary Clinton herself said that she did not agree with the direction that McCain and Palin wanted to take this country.  Does that make Hillary male biased, also?  All you have to do is count the number of female Democrat Congresswomen and Democrat Female Governors to realize who is the more sexist party.  All candidates are bashed during the election.  Look at how Obama has been bashed on Y/A alone.  Bashing has nothing to do with gender; it has to do with trying to win an election.

  16. Yes we all hate women that's why we want to give them choices.

  17. It was pretty obvious that Palin was chosen based on her identity as a Hail Mary.  Tell me that wasn't sexist.

  18. The ones who say, "Gov. Palin should not be in office because she should be home raising her kids," are making a sexist statement.

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