
Are Demons Real?

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Are Demons Real?




  1. What they call "Demons" are real in a sense that they are only lost souls and try to scare you but basically ( If you are not afraid of them ) have no power over you.

    ....and in "lost souls" I mean they were people just like you but are just lost or trying to play games and scare you.

    just ask yourself this question:

    Would you let someone bother you now?....

    So dont let those that are passed over and still foolish bother you now.

  2. Yes. I've never actually SEEN one, but I have felt one. It's unmistakable. I pray you never meet one.

  3. Yes... just as real as thought.

  4. that depends on your defenition of a demon

    but to my knoledge yyes

  5. As real as you want them to be. You fuel a demon's power with your fear.

  6. There aren't any where I live.

  7. No empirical evidence has ever surfaced that demons are indeed real.  The characteristics of demons, as described by those who believe in them, are nothing more than characteristics that can be atttributed to natural conditions.

  8. Yes demons are real..have a look at this the top part of it...possessions have been known to happen over the years.....  

    Ive had an experience with seeing an apparition of a demon of some sort many years ago, also seen by my nan...very real

  9. Depends on what your thinking a demon is.  Horned, winged mini devils then no probably not. Bad spirits perhaps. Also depends on whether you think spirits are real if there are no such things as ghosts or spirits then how could you justify a demon?

  10. yes

  11. Yes demons are real...pick up the Bible and read a bit    it depends on your definiton of a demon   it can range from anything worshipped not God or it can be an actual evil spirit   there are numerous Bible verses concerning demons      I hope this helps

  12. There are different interpetations of the word demon. You could mean a litteral creature, or a psychological issue and various people have different uses of the word.

    If you mean the litteral creature, then that is a matter of religion. They have not and probably can't be proven to exist or not in a scientific basis (unless one came forth cooperatively.)

    As a Christian I believe they exist and that they are fallen angels who rebelled against God.

    However, neither I, nor anyone, can prove to you they exist. You have to decide if you believe in them or not yourself.

  13. Depends on how you define both Demon and Real.

    Certainly Demons are a real concept in many religious traditions.

    I suspect other than personal experiences which are almost always unverifiable that no one knows the answer this question and any attempt to answer either way is based on belief or personal experience.


  14. yes they are fallen angels

  15. Those who subscribe to certain religious beliefs do accept the existence of demons, however there is no scientific evidence for them. Like many if not most religious concepts, it's a belief you have to take on faith.

  16. I believe they are.

  17. I used to not take them seriously. You don't think  there are evil people in the human world either?(and SURELY you don't think THEY 'RE a "figment of our imaginations")..Then, why do you think they can't be in the spirit world too? Oh...I don't believe that spirits exist. (IF ONLY your were right...what a wonderful world it  would be!! )

  18. no
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