
Are Dems afraid of a woman Pres or VP?

by Guest59446  |  earlier

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They dumped all over Hillary Clinton. Now they are dumping all over Sarah Palin. Is this sexist or what??




  1. Democrats nominated the first woman VP candidate in 1984!

    Geraldine Ferraro

    So apparently the republicans are just a little behind the curve on this one, by about a generation and a half

  2. Only when it's not one of them.

  3. Different reasons, but I do think they are afraid of angering anyone.

    Of course, you do end up angering everyone that way.

    Its not the rank and file Dem by the way, its the leadership of the DNC.

  4. Not at all.  We just want to make sure it's the right one at the right time.  Palin is just not going to appeal to the Democratic women who supported Hillary.  And Hillary just didn't appeal to enough of the Democrats.  

  5. Dems aren't afraid of women. 18 million dems voted for Hillary. Palin is not Hillary.

  6. If she's an extremist ...YES

    Palin ain't nobody's Hillary Clinton!

  7. It has nothing to do with s*x.  It is about politics,  and some of Clinton's followers are being sore losers and saying it is because of s*x.

    This whole thing frustrates me

  8. Considering the Democratic Primaries were largely considered a coronation until Obama out-impressed her, NO.

    Hillary was seen as "invinceable" and her Presidency was "inevitable" for the longest time.

    Keep throwing around insults, its worked so far...

    The only fear that permeates through our government today is a fear of objectivity.  Are you so much of a sexist that you honestly think having a woman on your ticket being written about is akin to sexism?  Are you really saying that because she is a woman she shouldn't be "dumped all over?"

  9. Very much so.  They really had a hard time this year, allow a black man or a white woman to get the nod.  History has shown they hate them both, but I guess we now know they hate black men just a little less.

  10. Yes, they are true sexist.

  11. Never afraid.

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