
Are Dems. trying to end the 1st Amendment?

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I know this isn't really a hot topic on the campaign trail right now, but could be if a Dem. is elected so I'll ask it now. There has been a movement to pass a bill into law (not sure what the tech term is) but it basically says that any radio or television station that airs a conservative show has to also air a liberal counterpart. Does that sound to you like they are trying to hinder the freedom of speech that we have as Americans?Should the government step on the private sectors right to produce the prodcut they choose, we still have certain freedoms as private citizens/corporations right? If liberals want their message to be put out on the air waves why don't they fund their own programming and stations ( I know of Air America, but it doesn't sound like it is doing very well)? Should we be worried that the Dems are trying to move us to a more socialist/communistic style of country with moves like this?

Just some ponderances I've had recently.




  1. You listen to Beck, Rush, and Schnitt way to much.. turn off the radio.. they are brainwashing you

  2. Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


    How does the requirement that a corporation presents both points of view contradict any of that?

    That said, since broadcasting is a right granted by government on PUBLIC air-wave frequencies it has the right to demand anything it thinks would make for a better more balanced and informed public.  IF people with any view want to broadcast only this that or the other then they could use cable as that is a privately funded medium.

  3. Conservatives have radio, Dems have tv. MOST tv news is always PRO DEM

  4. No.  And that bill is no longer up for consideration.

  5. yes they are! If Clinton or Obama gets the Presidency along with Pelosi as Speaker of the House and Bill C. gets the vp

    America will be toast!

  6. What does allegedly ending the First Amendment have to do with an alleged "socialist/communistic" system, which is an ECONOMIC system?

    As far as I'm concerned, it's the Republicans who are a threat to the First Amendment.  They can't stand the Non-establishment Clause, and want to use the government as a tool for evangelism and favoritism toward Christianity.

  7. They don't want to end the 1st Amendment - as long as you agree with them and buy into everything they sell (like man made global warming).

  8. end the 1st Amendment  ?  -  NO

    could you shove your head any higher up your..

  9. The "Fairness Doctrine" was passed several years ago, and required "equal time" on all political subjects being broadcast on radio or television.  The law expired and was not renewed, but several Dems wanted to bring it back, mainly as a tool to combat conservative talk radio shows like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.  Of course, the "Fairness Doctrine" doesn't apply to print media, or to people who support the Democratic party line.

  10. Oh shut up

  11. It's called "the Fairness doctrine" you can check it out here:

    That should show it from both sides but I'll give you one more:

    that one will show this issue from the NRA view point!

    Personally I think the Fairness doctrine is BS, the liberals have all of the media coverage on TV, everyone knows that 90% of the main stream media is controlled by the libs., therefore Conservatives have taken a different path to get their message across (Radio), the liberals are crying that it's "not fair" because nobody wants to hear what they have to say on the Radio(we've heard enough on TV) so they want the gov. to make broadcasters put them on the Radio, what's worse is they want to re-structure the way Radio stations are owned, they want to control all media forms so they can yell the loudest and make sure their pathetic retoric is heard!!!

    The free market should control what is on the Radio, if no one listens to a liberal talk show in West Texas, then advertisers will spend add money during the time that show is one and the Radio station losses money and goes away(unless the fed. steps in and susidizes them) and that show is off the air anyway!!!

    This is just another liberal attemt to deny the Bill of Rights, and assualt the not only the 1st Amrndment, but the 2nd as well!!!

    We the people must not let this happen, even if you are a liberal, you should hold the Bill of Rights higher then your own agenda!!!!

    The "Fairness Doctrine" is an afront to freedom of speech!!!!

    This should concern every citizen that cares about FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. You are talking about the Fairness Doctrine that was in effect in the country for about 40 years.  The Reagan Administration did away with it saying it was governmental control.  It is a dead issue.  Nobody has been actively trying to renew it.

  13. It does seem sometimes that to the Dems, fairness requirements only come into play when it's their ox getting gored (pun fully intended).

  14. They don't want to end the 1st Amendment. They just think that the government should be able to restrict free political speech, that's all.

  15. Nope.

  16. As long as your speech is approved by them you're fine otherwise they'll cry and whine calling it hate speech.

  17. ahhh i just HOPE HOPE a democratic doesnt win.. no offence

    but hillary is like against mostly like everything

    first of all shes going to RAISE taxes! ahh..

    :( and shes against guns! i mean HELLO

    just cause some ******** idiot has to go on a shooting rage look.. those people are idiots its not the GUN owners who are killing people its those fooking ghetto people who steal them!!they wanna kill someone just looking at them!  its stupied! and WE get punished! its not fair! i mean if you take away guns there will be MORE violence ! and like we have to have our guns tooken away! no way! my brothers a US marine we always talk about this! pleease i beg you!

    look into RON PAUL! hes the best.... (= and if your a republican woohoo. lol


  18. Well... not to be in agreement or disagreement...

    it just seems that on these radio shows... when they do actually put a liberal opposition on... they're usually the nuttiest most radical liberals out there... and no justice to the majority of the moderate liberals.

    Though it does make for good entertainment. But I would say at least half of the people that listen to talk radio are die hard conservatives anyway... so the biggest threat I see to anyone is to the shows themselves because they may lose listeners who can't stand to hear any liberal viewpoints.

    But... I also don't like being told what to do. But the radio is public domain. You and I (unless you're really rich) couldn't just get an FCC license to start broadcasting without a great deal of money.

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